Suprise? (Reid)

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Spencer Reid

NP: Block B - Be The Light
The morning is quite nice till a case came up. The BAU team gathered in the special room, sitting face-to-face.

"Clearly this case shows a mentally disordered psycho who happened to be passing by and killed two females"

"Because the killer itself has rage, uncontrollable rage" Rossi mentioned, furrowing eyebrows.

"What do you know about a rage person (Y/N)?" Rossi turned towards you, whom was silently throwing crumpled papers at Reid. "Oh, I uh"

"Rage usually formed by avenge, anger, disapproval, irritations, embaressed themselves" You replied.

"In this case, the unsub mainly focused, based on his killings tactics, irritations." You added. "Insert them in the unsub's profile JJ"

Hotch ordered and the blonde one nodded, quickly taking notes on your earlier explanations.


"H-Hey (N/N)!" Reid silently shouted and you giggled in amusement, still throwing crumpled papers at him. "(Y/N) what the hell are you doing?" Derek raised his eyebrows.

"Entertaining myself" You sheepishly grin, now flicking rubber bands just across your seat in the plane. He rolled his eyes, glancing at the clouds back.

"(N/N)! JJ look she bullies me-oww!" He hissed, pleading at the busy JJ. "Crybaby Spencey~" You spoke in a teasing manner, flicking more rubber bands at him.

"Before you both grounded I suggest stop whining and playing" Reid huffs, turning away while you're pouting alone, crossing arms.

"Kids" JJ shakes her head, sighing. "You know you'll getting one soon right JJ?" Emily grins, wiggling her eyebrows. "Never knew the adults can be that childish"

"Hey!" You and Reid both whined. "Shush now both of you"


"We need statistics against the possibilities of the unsub, Rei--" Dererk was about to call the doctor but he's not there on the scene.

"Hey JJ," Derek called as the female turned around, cocking an eyebrow. "Have you seen Reid?" "No, why?" She shakes her head cluelessly.

"Now where the hell did he go? Anyways, (Y/N) can do the job, right (Y/--" Turning again, but (Y/N) is not there as well.

He sighed frustratedly, rubbing his temples to calm down. "Nobody saw Reid and (Y/N)?" He shouted, the rests of the BAU team shaking their head in reply.

"Now how the hell I'm going to do without them?!" He shrieked, raising his hands up in surrender and walking throughout the scene alone.


"It's almost midnight, where the shit are they?" The male earlier questioned, concern and angry hinted in his voice. "Maybe they go fighting to see whose stronger?"

Rossi snickered, laughter escaped from them. "Oh I'm sure (Y/N) will win that contest" Emily chuckled, nodding in assured. "Then that thing goes down like holy shit!"

A familiar voice shouted, rather happily actually and followed by chuckles. "And you screaming like a maniac on the rollercoaster is rather enjoyable" "Shut up dork"

There they can clearly see both of (Y/N) and Reid walking side by side, holding hands, smile plastered on their faces.

Clearly seeing that (Y/N) is wearing Reid's sweater, too.

"Hey you two!" Derek shouted angrily, earning the attention fron the two as they cheekily smiling. "Heyyy! We are so, so sorry!" (Y/N) rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"You two troublemakers made me worried shit!" The buffed male bonked the head of both of them together, hisses came out from Reid while insults came out from (Y/N)'s mouth.

"Ow what the fuck Derek?! We already apologized!" She shot glares at him with a appreciate-my-sorries-while-you-are-still-on-this-earth-because-you're-not-getting-it-again look.

"Wait, you two are together?" Emily pointed at (Y/N)'s now sweater, which is Reid's. "Uh, suprise?" You smiled, awkwardly laughing.




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