Umbrella (Reid)

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Spencer Reid

NP: Drops of Jupiter - Anthem Lights (Cover song)
Spencer Reid, the brainiac of BAU headquarters remained calm as he slowly put down his gun from aiming at the found criminal.

He's alone, yet scared on getting shot at but he doesn't care. He didn't want the same thing happened again.

"Now Oscar, calm down I put my gun away okay? Like promised" His steps approaches the said man, Oscar as his heartbeat rang loud like drums beating in his ears .

His short breaths hitches when the man cocked the gun he was holding in his tightened grip. "H-Hey Oscar, I promised you to put it down right? N-Now put yours down"

"I know you're gonna catch me I don't care if I promise shit!" Oscar, a man in his leather jacket with short raven haired, wore boots as his eyes flared with anger.

"L-Look now, you promised and I know you don't like breaking it so, put the gun down" Reid fearlessly stood in front of him, facing him now.

Oscar calmed down, he weakly smiled as his hand slumped down and his finger on the gun's trigger slowly unravelled. "POLICE FREEZE!" "No no no!" Reid shrieked as his eyes widened as well as the male.

Oscar frowned, despised police oh so much but he turned to put his hands in the air. Unfortunately he shot himself with a revolver.

"O-Oscar?!" The doctor shrieked, his eyes never left Oscar's body as it lifelessly facing the road with a loud thump. Speechless, his foot slowly took a few steps back while his mouth slightly agaped.

His blood soaked in his white undershirt, eyes half closed as his hand holding the gun.

He fails, again.


"Hey Reid are you--" "I'm fine" Reid replied almost too quickly, sprinted off with his bag slung over his shoulder. Derek sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in concern.

The male earlier walked out the headquarters, heading to the sidewalk as his eyes focused on his feet, not his front, not his surrounding, not the rain.

He failed yet again and he is in the verge of tears on such failing, losing a life as well. He bumped into someone and his side hit the wall beside him, he slowly slid down and crouched on the slippery solid floor.

Tears streaming on his pale cheeks, hiding his face from anyone on the sidewalk as his shoulders shaking uncontrollably. He didn't take the death well.

"Excuse me are you okay? Oh my god are you bleeding?!" Reid heard a female's voice questioning him. Based on her questions it must be her that he bumped into.

"N-No I'm fine" "Shit,thank god! You worried me there" She sighs in relieve. Reid slowly stood up in the rain but he is hovered with something that avoid him from drenching more.

"You looked awful so let's share my umbrella okay?" Said she in a concerned voice, moving closer to him to share the umbrella.

He smiled and look up as his mouth began to parted in a beginning of a form of thank you but his breath stucked in his throat.

"My name is (Y/N)" She smiles ever so gently as her eyes lit up like stars with her melodically giggle followed then. "You're awful like I said. Let's go somewhere for a shelter" You hummed and he nodded curtly.

He didn't expect sharing an umbrella with an angel.
My young sis struggles on Fruit Ninja game, trying to beat my highscores muahahha


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