Damn it rain (Derek)

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Damn it rain
Derek Morgan

( CA/N: I'm in a giggling mess since the next chapter would be the crossover specials wwwwww )

NP: Staying Up  - The Neighbourhood

"Hotch can't we go any faster?" You plea, trying to do the puppy eyes but your face pushed by Derek, who became the co-pilot in the car.

"Uh no baby face now sit down like an obedient child" Derek snickered, leaving you slightly blushing to the nickname he gave you and pouting at the back seat.

"I rather go with Reid, he's more considerate than you" You grumbled but he suddenly laughed at that. "Then why don't you?"

"...because your stupid ass is sitting here" You muttered to yourself, furrowing eyebrows as your orbs focused at the clouds and trees passes by instead on looking at his annoying smile.

"What was that?" He hummed and you rolled your eyes. "Nothing important"


"Hey you said that they are my client to investigate shits with!" "No, you get to the crime scene with Reid" Derek scribbled notes on his, i don't know, damn files.

"But no fair! I don't want to!" You fight back. "Just go with Reid, what's the problem? Now you're like this angry, you can't talk to the clients" "What?!"

"Hey is working with me that bad?" "Shush Reid!" You and Derek shouted, the brainiac startled and shut his mouth tight, walking away from the heated fight.

"Hey you lovebirds!" Someone called and both of you turned, sour-faced, shouting back,"We're not lovebirds!"  Hotch sighs, suggesting that...

"You both go talk to the clients" "What?!" "It's more fair like that and I don't want a childish fight in the middle of the crime scene. Now go" He pushed both of you outside the crime scene then.

You huffed, slapping dusts at your shirts, and end up walking with Derek. "Hey, sorry for fighting back earlier" You started, rubbing the back of your neck. "I'm sorry too, we both made Reid feel bad" "Yeah" You nodded curtly.

"It's nice walking with you, no disturbances or none" You scoffed. "Oh please, I don't think people enjoyed walking with a tempered woman"

Although you admit, you enjoyed this as well, might as well you have feelings for the man.

"No matter how tempered you get, you're still care and kind so I don't really think what you said is true" He smiled, leaving you speechless and blushing.

"Oh shit--" You cussed, heavy rain suddenly showered both of you and even the whole neighborhood. You both ran, searching for a shelter to stay dry.


"Damn it rain!" You snarled, from head to your toes, drenched with rain. You twirled your hair in your grip, drying your hair off.

Derek on the other side, is not that drenched since he is more near to the shelter than you. He conveniently wears hoodie and tried to give it to you but he halted.

You're just wearing a simple pastel blue long-sleeved shirt, but you're now soaked to the bones. Thus, revealing curves at your body.

He gulped at your figure, glancing away as he gives you the hoodie. "Here, you can have it" "Oh thanks a bunch!" You beamed, wearing his oversized hoodie now.

It doesn't matter though, since it's warm and only smelled him. You smiled, snuggling more at his hoodie.

Well rain, maybe you're not that bad.



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