I Didn't Say That (Hotch)

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I Didn't Say That
Aaron Hotchner

NP: Beautiful Liar - VIXX LR

( CA/N: I'm only drinking milk as breakfast LOL cuz my food stash is already empty//flipseverything )
Reid approached Hotch, whom was sitting on a seat far away from the others in the private jet, flipping throughout files.

The others, well, enjoying each other's company with laughter and joy with you there, being yourself and sarcastically talking to them.

They think sarcasms are quite funny, weird? Yes, we're all weird in here, it doesn't matter we have unique shit inside.

Anyways, as always, Hotch is stranded from others, which is not odd actually but his behavior had brought curiosity to the brainiac himself.

"Hey..." He called, lingering at the end of the word as he fidgeting whether sit infront of him or not. Hotch motioned his head, signaling him to sit and he did.

"So," Hotch closed his files, sliding them at the corner of the table and outside his view. He cleared his throat, looking at Reid. "What is it?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I saw you're acting weird around (Y/N)..." He fiddled his thumbs nervously, his head shook down as his eyes slightly tilted upwards to see Hotch's expression.

"What's weird about it?" He crossed his arms, leaning back comfortably at his seat. "Y-You rather seems more happy by her side"

"She called your first name and it didn't bother you. She joked around in the scene with you, you rather enjoyed it. She even chose the ties for you, everyday. You even wearing the tie she chose right now"

Hotch coughed, quite long actually because he didn't expect Reid was watching. "Reid, do you profiled me?" "Uhmm, hey (Y/N)!" The doctor greeted you, relieved hinted in his voice.

"Uhm hey, everything okay here?" (Y/N) asked in concerned tone as her eyes glinting curiously. "I-I think I should go..." Reid stood up, leaving to the other room.

Hotch awkwardly told her to sit, popping question marks visible around the clueless female. "(N/N), there's something I want to tell you" The man in suit seriously mentioned, his sharp eyes met hers.

"Am I in trouble Aaron...?" She silently whimpered, gazing at him in guilt. "Not quite, I--" "I heard what Reid said earlier!" She cutted him off, her fist tightly clenched. "Wh-What now?" He gone flustered, eyes widened.

"I'm sorry that I called you by your first name! I'm sorry that I joked around at the crime scene and make you loose focus on the job! I'm sorry for interfering on choosing your ties reluctantly!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" The female chanted many times, gulping back down her tears ( which it eventually failed ) as she sniffs and her breath hitches every word she spoke. "(N/N) calm down"

Hotch grabbed her shoulders firmly, looking straight to her eyes. Her puffy eyes looked at his back and he turned soft towards her condition. He chuckled, wiping off her tears with his thumb.

"Wh-What...?" She whispered. "I didn't say that," "On firing you" The man smiled. "Reid profiled me, and told me that I loved you, more than others" "H-Huh?" Her face expressed fresh shock and confused.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Reid looked around and spotted Hotch sitting alone at the same table again, oddly his blazer is off and his sleeves are now folded. He shrugged it off, walked towards the man.

Hotch noticed and told Reid to hush, only him to realize that (Y/N) is sleeping as her head pillowed by his lap and his blazer draped her body.

She scrunched her face, softly grunted and went silent back.

"So?" The doctor asked in a whispering tone. Hotch small smiled, holding up his fist. Reid's face lit up and fist bumping with Hotch.


im sorry for the long waitttt *bows90degress*

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