Profilers! Assemble? (Hotch)

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Profilers! Assemble?
Aaron Hotchner

NP: NalinA - Block B

( CA/N: Surely you guys know what otome is right? Cuz I played it for a long time bcs i has no laif desu.

So this crossover is based on otome theme, ya know three choices but only choose one? Yah that's rightoo

Oh if you like Block B, don't take Zico bcs he's my bby//flipshair )
"Ah yes, you'll be working with me" "Why?" You pondered. "You need attention and supervision by the higher ones" He replied smoothly, though he's lying.

He's just wanted to get to know you better, maybe you are not the (Y/N) everyone said, cruel, cold and merciless killer.

He felt that, you're just not them. Maybe you have your rights and reasons to do so.

"Okay then, sure why not?" Yous shrugged. "Extra credit for working with the upper ones yes!" Tony high fives you and you both started giggling like maniacs.

"Are they always--" "Yeah, you'll get used to it" Clint cutted Reid off, sending weird first impression on them from you.


A laugh rang from outside the headquarters, making everyone in the office perked up their ears like meerkats. Their eyes trailed down to the entrance, seeing you and Hotch walking in together.

"Aaron that's cold as shit" You laughed at him, slapping his arm whilst you're (somehow) draped by his raven colored jacket.

"I'm just saying the truth, the meat is overcooked and not the one I want to eat. Not the one I want my team to eat." He furrowed his eyebrows. "But you left him crying, the chef"

"I guess he's overreacting" "You're overreacting" You poked his sides and giggle, walking with him towards his office as you both talked more.

"Um, who said that she is quite stubborn to handle?" Emily snickered, waggling her eyebrows whilst making Henry, whom was sitting on Reid's lap laughing.

"Hmm I don't know" Morgan hummed as JJ rolled her eyes when she passes by hearing the conversation.

"You two please, the lovebirds are chirping" Rossi chuckled, along with the rests of them.


"Hey uh Aaron?" You called as you make your way to sit across him. He hummed back in reply, as he sat down as well.

"Seriously though we need to work on your facial expression" You chuckled as he closes his eyes, chuckling along.

"Says the one who death glaring at the waiters" "Hey if they're spies or murderers, you'll be like blessing and thanking me" You sassed. "Of course I do,"

"'re the next best thing that ever happen to me" He whispered to himself. "What was that?" You asked. "No, nothing" He motioned his hands, telling you to wave it off.

You slightly tilted your head, confused but you rather wave it off as told. "So I bring you up here to tell you something"

His voice turned serious as he linked his fingers on the table, his eyes darted to yours. You gulped, slightly embaressed by his sudden attention on yours.

"Y-Yeah?" "I've got good news for you" "You allowing me eating candies at the crime scene?" "That's still a no" He sighed and you slightly pouted, nodding understandingly.

"What I was gonna say is that, the FBI appreciated your hardworks for the BAU team and making it easier for me" You chanted a victory yes, lingering on the 's' for a while.

"And the next good thing is that," "Your service is done here, they're transferring you back to SHIELD headquarters, safely in Director Fury's hands"

Your eyes widened, mouth slightly agaped, like your soul has left your body for a moment. "Th-This means that I'm..." "leaving?" Your eyebrows furrowed upwards, your smile turned upside down.

Yes you may feel good on no shits against the FBI anymore but, it's leaving the BAU team, like forever. They're like a family, even though it's just for a few months but they helped you to get this far.

"Yes, you're leaving" Especially when you have a soft spot for this creepy man in the suit right here. You don't want to leave here.

You don't want to leave him.

"(N/N)?" His voice snapped your conscious and you're back on earth. Where reality hurts so much. "Yeah?" "You okay?" His pale face turned upset and concerned. "Me? Ha!" You scoffed.

"I'm more than okay! Finally I'm out from the wanted list! I'm free!" You managed to shout out. "(N/N)" "Though it's a shame, I still wanna be the 1st wanted" You tched, shaking your head.

"(N/N)" "Well then Aaron Hotchner," You snickered, standing up from your seat. "Farewell!" You pretended to took of your top hat and bows down, though your eyes started to get blurry the more you faked all of this out.

"(N/N)" He called, yet again as he grabbed your arms firmly, turning your body towards his view. Only to realize that your eyes are red, glassy with you biting down your trembling lips.

You turned away, not saying anything. "(N/N), please don't be sad. This is for your own good" "I don't need you to tell me that" You snarled, still not looking at him.

"(N/N), I--" "Don't you know how awful it is to hear for someone that you like so freaking much, to tell you to fuck off?" You glance at him, your voice sounded like a wounded puppy.

"And as if you know how awful it is to tell someone that I loved, to leave" He replied, rubbing his temples as a sigh escaped from his mouth. You went silent for a while, a long pause was the only thibg that happened.

"Wh-What? Why? When?" You started, completely in utter shock. "Yes, I love you. Why? Because you're the next best thing that ever happened to me. When? From the start, (N/N)" He replied smoothly.

"Am I dreaming or is this just my dreamland" You muttered, hesitate but Hotch kissed your forehead, a gentle smile plastered on his face.

"Is this an illusion?" "I guess not" You giggled, sobbing as well as he engulfed you with his warmth.




PRofiLeRS, are yOU REA Dy for Moa r FEELS?

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