Case File Fifteen: "R" "J" "T"

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First class on a flight going from the United States to London is where we find Kenneth today. He watched out the window as the plane flew over the Atlantic Ocean. The sunlight reflected off the water, it was a beautiful day out. The plane landed at London Heathrow Airport, from there Kenneth found a chauffeur from the London Black Cab Company waiting for him when he walked into the building. He grabbed his luggage and got into the cab which drove him from the airport to the Truman House in the White Chapel district. It was already dark out when they arrived; Kenneth paid the driver and checked into the hotel. He went into his room and found it amazing, the bed was soft and comfy, the room and bathroom were large, as was the television. It also had a full kitchen with a fridge. He unpacked, showered, and then went to lay down for some sleep.

The next morning he awoke to the sound of sirens blaring through the air. He got out of bed and went to the window to see what had happened. Over in the distance he saw a group of police cars in Allen Gardens. He got dressed and ran downstairs and started heading for the Garden. When he got there he noticed how clean it was, the grass and trees were a beautiful green, it was hard to believe anything could have happened here. When he got to the scene, he saw the forensics team examining a body, an officer tried to stop him from getting any closer, but he flashed the FBI licensed badge that allows him access to any type of crime scene no matter where it may be located. He went up to see the victim was a young lady, maybe in her mid 20s; she was stabbed through the heart.

"Hi there, can I help you?" a voice called out behind Kenneth.

"Probably not, I'm just examining the area." He responded turning to see a man close to seven feet tall, buzz cut hair, a scar over his left eye, dressed in a black suit walking towards him.

"Well my name is Inspector Paine; care to tell me what you doing here in London, Kenneth?" He said grabbing Kenneth's badge.

"I was here originally just to take in the sites, but then the sound of sirens woke me up and kinda changed my vacation plans."

"We will be just fine taking care of this incident ourselves, we don't need help from some punk kid playing detective."

Just then a young officer came running up.

"Inspector Payne, it looks like this is the same killer, we just found this near the crime scene." He said handing over a paper with the letter "J" on it.

"If this is true, it's possible we have a serial murderer in our mist."

"Excuse me, but may I please see that?" Kenneth asked the inspector.

The inspector handed over the note with "J" on it.

"This isn't the first letter you received?" Kenneth asked.

"No, this is the second; the first one was the letter "R", it was found two days ago next to the first victim along with." The young officer said until he was cut off by the inspector.

"Timothy, that's more than enough information, he doesn't need to know anything else, good day Kenneth."

Kenneth returned the note and began walking out of the park, right hand on his chin lost in thought wondering what the connection is to the murders, and what "R" and "J" could be. Although he wanted to dig deeper into this mystery, he respected the inspector's wishes and continued on his vacation and got a horse drawn carriage to take him around to such sites as London Bridge and Big Ben. When he got back to the Whitechapel district he began walking back to the hotel and went past the Royal London Hospital when he heard what sounded like a scream from a young lady coming from behind the building. He ran around but when he got there, all that was left was a woman; seemed to be in her mid-20s, with a knife in her heart, lying in a pool of blood. When he approached the victim, he saw a note folded over, he picked it up and opened it, he found the letter "T" written on this paper. He got on his phone and called for the police, than sat and waited. It only took about ten minutes for the police to arrive at the scene. Inspector Paine was the first to approach the area and did not appear happy to see Kenneth there.

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