Chapter 1

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"Mum I know that Rachel moved out and I need to find a roommate, but I've only gotten one call and I just don't know."

"Brooklyn." I rolled my eyes hoping she could see it through my phone. I hate when she calls me by my full name." You live in one of the nicest apartment complexes in London and you can not afford that place on your own. Anyone would love to live there. I'm sure you'll get an offer soon enough."

"I hope. I just really miss living with Rachel."

"I know you do, but she's getting married and moving in with her future husband. She's moving on and she wants you to do the same. Be open minded about your new roommate."

"I'll try mum. I have my first interview in five minutes." I heard a knock on the door." Never mind make that now. I have to go. Bye mum." I hung up my phone before she could respond.

I opened the door expecting to find some OCD freak or ex convict, but instead I saw a normal person. a familiar looking person.

"Hi I'm..."

"Aaron Ramsey." I cut him off realizing who he was.

"I'm here to interview about the apartment."

"Couldn't you buy like three of these for yourself with the salary you make?" I asked him without thinking first. He laughed.

"Ya, but what would be the fun in that."

"Why do you want to move in here?" I walked into the apartment and he followed me to my sofa.

"You're right I could buy three of these for myself, but I don't want to live in some big house until I'm married or moving in with someone. There's no point in buying a big house if you're going to be alone." I nodded.

"So tell me about yourself."

"I play football for Arsenal. I'm from Wales originally. I don't have any pets if that's one of your questions and I am not a registered sex offender."

"Well that's all I really need to hear." I said convinced.

"Really?" I put my hand in my pocket to grab a key.

"I'm desperate for a roommate." I tossed the key to him." Welcome home Mr. Ramsey." He smiled as he received the key.

"Awesome. Thanks... Shit I forgot to ask your name?"


"Brooke. I'm going to be the best roommate ever." He assured me.

Now instead of having my best friend as a roommate I have a professional football player. This is going to be interesting.

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