Chapter 27

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The ceremony was beautiful. Watching how happy my best friend was made this one of the best moments of my life. All of the freaking out and build up to the wedding was all worth it. This has just made me excited for the day I finally get to get married. I kept picturing my wedding day. Walking down the aisle with everyone I love watching. I caught myself picturing Aaron at the end of the aisle and then I would feel myself getting sad again. Today isn't a sad day it's a very happy one.

The ceremony was fun, but now it's the reception and I feel like a nervous wreck. I have to give my maid of honor speech. I should have had someone look over it first. It's probably so bad. I haven't even been able to eat anything. This food looks amazing, but I just feel sick.I'll just let Matthew go first. Mine can't be half as bad as his.

I let him go first and I couldn't even listen to him. I was too busy mentally freaking out about my speech.

Matthew sat down and I knew it was my turn. I made a speech last night at the rehearsal dinner and it went well. I can do it again.

"Hi I'm Brooke. I've known Rachel since we were five years old. We have been best friends ever since she walked into Ms. Rossel's Grade 1 class. I have seen her with every guy and I knew the moment she started dating Josh. The way she glowed when she would come home after spending time with him. The way they look at each other makes single people jealous." I looked in the crowd and I swear I saw Aaron ramsey standing there."Uhh. Uh." I started stuttering. I blinked hoping he would go away once I reopened my eyes. Still there."Everyone deserves a love like Rachel and Josh's. I wish you two the best life together." I raised my glass and everyone raised their glass too. I chugged the glass.

"You'll thank me eventually." I heard Rachel whisper in my ear.

"You're lucky it's your wedding day." I said looking down at the ground."Today is supposed to be about you."

"Ya and in order to make it perfect I want it so see my best friend happy." Josh grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

"It's time for the bride and grooms first dance." The dj said as they walked to the dance floor. I smiled watching them dance.

The song ended and other people started to crowd the dance floor. I stood by myself watching everyone dance. I looked across the dance floor and saw Aaron. He was staring at me. I couldn't look away. I just looked right at him.

I looked down at the ground breaking the eye contact. I looked back up and he was gone.

"Hi." I jumped. I turned around.

"You always have to scare me?" He smiled.


"So you crash weddings now?"

"Only ones with really hot maids of honors." I felt my cheeks turning red."Actually Rachel invited me."

"I know."

"Um. Do you want to dance?" He held out his hand. I hesitated, but then I grabbed it.

The song happened to turn from a black eyed peas song to "Your Song" by Elton John.

He put on arm around my waist and grabbed my hand with his free arm."Aaron I..."

s"Sh." He cut me off."Let's just enjoy this dance then you can say whatever you want." I kept a little bit a distance from him at first, but then I smelled his familiar scent and I was pulled in. My face was now buried in his chest.

The song ended and I pulled away from him."We should talk." He said awkwardly and I nodded.

We walked outside into the garden where there were only a few people."I miss you." He finally said quietly. I wanted to break down into tears right there."Please just hear me out and then you can have the apartment. I will move out okay." I don't want him to move out. I just stood there and nodded like an idiot."I just wanted to apologize for everything Brooke. Especially for what happened with Eden. I am so sorry for ever hurting you. I really meant it when I said I loved you and I do love you. I want to be with you. I really do. And I know you love me. You told me that night I brought you home from the bar." My eyes widened and I my face turned red. I don't remember any of that night, but I can't believe I told him I loved him."I thought it was worth a shot to come here and at least try again because I need you Brooke."

I cut him off and kissed him. I couldn't take it anymore. I had been thinking about this constantly. It was passionate and I never wanted it to end.

He pulled away and I felt completely blown away and dizzy."Did that really just work?" He asked me.

"Ya I guess it did."

"You didn't even put up a fight." He said amazed.

"Shut up." I playfully hit him and he pulled me in for another kiss. I smiled into the kiss.

"Brooke will you come back home?" He asked me after we pulled away from the next kiss. I looked at the hope in his eyes. I nodded.

"Okay." I agreed."Take me home." He grabbed my hand and we walked back inside.

I have never been so excited to go home.

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