Chapter 35

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I looked down at my phone and saw I had a missed call from Sarah. I picked up my phone and dialed her.


"Hey Sarah sorry I missed your call."

"Hey I just wanted to make sure that you're coming to our party tomorrow night?"

"You're having a party?" I asked

" Uh ya Olivier told me he invited all of the boys and I thought I could call you since you and Aaron are..."

"Ya that sounds great. We'll be there."

"Great. Oh no Parker."

"Looks like you're busy. I'll let you go."

"Okay I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. We really need to catch up soon."

"Yes we do. Bye Sarah."

I walked out of my room and I saw Aaron was watching tv. Sarah wasn't going to be here for probably another twenty minutes. I should at least try and talk to him.

"Can I sit?" I asked.

"You don't have to ask it's your place."

"Our place." I corrected him."Sarah just called me about the party at her house tomorrow."

"Oh ya." I wanted to ask him why he didn't talk to me about it, but we haven't exactly been talking and I am so sick of fighting.

"Are you going?"


"So am I." He just continued watching tv."So I guess we're going then?" He just nodded.

I sat down next to him and we both sat in silence watching tv. The fact that we were sitting down next to each other watching tv in peace was a huge step. Just being this close with him right now without arguing felt even the tiniest bit good. I just want to be with him. I shouldn't have blurted it out to him that I didn't want to get married. Aaron is nothing like anyone in my family. He loves me and I love him. I doubt my father really loved any of his women. I just don't know how to talk to him. I'm sure maybe someday I can come around to marriage. I have just made too much of a mess out of this.

I looked over at him and he was busy looking at his phone."Aar..." He stood up.

"I'm going to Kieran's."

"You really can't stand being in my presence?" I asked him sadly.

"I just want to go to my friends house."

"And you never want to be here."

"Ya because it hurts Brooke. It hurts like hell."

"I'm sorry." I said really meaning it.

He grabbed his jacket then headed out the door.


Aaron's p.o.v.

I sat down on the couch waiting for Brooke. I really didn't want to go to this party tonight, but everyone on the team is going.

I guess it's better than sitting around and being sad. I'm trying to get over this, but I can't. I mean not wanting to get married basically means eventually breaking up. I don't want a break up. I really don't, but that might be the only solution now.

I heard Brooke's door shut and she walked out. Of course she looks absolutely amazing. The little thought I had of a break up was completely thrown away. This girl just loves to torture me."You're still here?" She asked me.

"Aren't we going to the party together?" I asked her.

"Ya, I just thought you wouldn't want to go with me." She said sadly. She folded her arms and looked down at the ground.

"You look beautiful." She looked up from the ground and let out a little smile. The one that I have missed so much.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

We got into my car and started to drive.

"You know the other day I bumped into Rosalie." She said. My eyes widened.

"Rosalie as in my...."



"She thanked me for bringing you to the wedding. She said that she realized she made the right decision because you were meant to be with me." I could tell she was crying now. I kept my eyes on the ground unsure of how to respond"I hate this so much." She said again."I am so sorry Aaron. We're both miserable. I can't put you through this any longer."

"I'm not ready to let you go." I said. She didn't respond and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

We walked into the party together like nothing was wrong. Brooke went off to the other women and I went over to Carl, Theo, and Lukas."Rambo. I see you brought your girl with you. Are things better?" Poldi asked. I just shrugged not really in the mood.

The party went by slowly. I thought being around my teammates and everyone would be fun, but I just felt myself making myself bored and miserable. That's not like me at all, but I guess that's who I have been lately.

As the night went on I noticed that I couldn't even find Brooke at all.

I looked around trying to find her. I spotted Sarah walking around."Sarah." She turned her head and then saw me.

"Hey Aaron."

"Um have you seen Brooke?"

"No I haven't sorry. "

"Okay thanks anyways." She smiled and then walked away again.

I continued to look around for her. I stopped when I looked outside and saw her standing on the deck outside.

No one else was outside just her. She was leaning against the railing with her back facing inside. I found myself just staring at her.

"You should go talk to her." I heard Kieran's familiar voice as he came up to me.

"I want to. I just I don't know what to say."

"It's Brooke. This isn't some random girl in a club. Just go out there." He was right.

"Wish me luck." I said and Kieran smiled.

"That's my boy." I opened the door and went outside.

Brooke turned around right away at the sound of the door. She saw it was me then turned her back to me again.

I now found myself standing next to her."This view is amazing." I said. Wow that's a really stupid thing to say.

I remembered what Kieran said. This is not some girl in a night club. This is Brooke.

"I'm not ready to let you go either." She said beating me to talking.

"Then don't."

"If I told you I take it back would it make everything all better?"

"No because you don't mean it."

"You were right."


"When you asked me if it had something to do with my mum."

"Marriage in my family has never worked out at all. I never wanted anything to do with that in my family. The thought of being left or divorced just haunts me and I jumped to conclusions that I never want to get married and I just blurted it out to you."

"I guess it's better that you don't keep things from me. Even if it sucks."

We both just looked out at the view of the city of London. Both completely unsure where to go from here.

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