Chapter 10

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I ran as fast as I could out of the stadium. I didn't care that people were staring at me crying or yelling at me for running into them while I was sprinting out of the stadium. I just wanted to not be here. I wanted to be invisible. I wish no one could see me.

As soon as I was officially out of the stadium I ran into the parking lot. I forgot where I parked so I took a minute to catch my breath. I looked around and remembered where I parked. I continued running. I fumbled in my purse to find my keys. My hands were shaking. "BROOKE." I heard Rachel's familiar voice behind me. I ignored her and kept fumbling through purse looking for my keys.

"where are my damn keys." I yelled frustrated.

"Brooke." Rachel said out of breath as she caught up with me.

"Don't say anything let's just go." She nodded.

"Let me drive you're not in a good state to drive."

"I'm fine." I lied. Rachel reached into my purse and pulled out my keys. She opened the car and got into the driver's seat. I walked to the other side of the car and got into the passenger's side.

I waited for her to start the car and drive away, but she didn't start the car yet. I knew she was going to try and talk to me. "Can we just get out of here." She opened her mouth to say something. "DRIVE." I yelled. She turned on the car and pulled out of the parking spot. "I don't want to spend another embarrassing minute here."

We drove back to the apartment in silence.

I ran up to the apartment and straight towards my room. I didn't even wait for Rachel. I curled up in a ball on my bed. How could I have been so stupid? I don't let myself like people because I expect to get hurt. This one time I decided it was stupid to push people away and to just let things happen. Fuck putting my guard down. Look where it has gotten me again. I'm crying over Aaron. Aaron stupid fucking Ramsey.

I heard a knock on the door. "Brooke." It was Rachel. "I'm coming in." She opened the door and sat down next to me on my bed. I felt ashamed of myself for breaking down like this. I never let anyone see my cry. Rachel's seen me cry a couple of times before, but I don' cry. She has the perfect fiancé and love life and now she's stuck with me and my sad pathetic excuse of a life. I felt Rachel wrap her arms around me and I just cried into her shoulder.

A few minutes later I stood up from my bed. "I'm done crying." I declared. "Fuck him. Poor girl doesn't have any idea that he's fucking his roommate." I laughed trying to make fun of this whole situation.

"Brooke." Rachel out her hand on her hip. "Stop trying to act like it doesn't affect you."

"It doesn't." I lied. "Just that poor girl who he's seeing. She's stuck with a scrawny little kid." Rachel just sighed clearing giving up. "So am I going to your fitting tomorrow?" I said changing the subject.

"Of course you are. Well what time do you have work?"

"It's my best friends dress fitting. Fuck work."

"Okay I'll be by at ten. I should probably get back to the hotel."

"You're staying at a hotel. Why wouldn't you just stay here?"

"I figured it would be awkward. Plus it's sad because it's not my home anymore." Hardly feels like it's mine anymore.

"And it wasn't awkward for me whenever you and the fiancé were getting it on across the apartment." She blushed. I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you and your perfect life." She gave me a sympathetic look and I put on my best fake smile. I've gotten really good at faking smiles. Even the people closest to me can't tell anymore.

"I should get going. Part of my agreement for missing work is a conference call that I'm expecting in fifteen minutes. I hate to leave you here all alone right now Brooke."

"I'm fine." I assured her.


"Call me later okay." I nodded. She gave me another long hug and left.


I sat in the living room curled up in a ball in yoga pants and an old beatles shirt. I decided to have a comedy movie marathon to try and cheer myself up. I watched Bridesmaids so far and now I was starting to watch Knocked up. I wasn't feeling better though. All I could think about was the countless times I've had sex with Aaron. Well we've had sex in every part of this apartment pretty much so every damn spot is going to remind me of it.

I heard the front door open and I took a deep breath. I have no idea what's going to happen, but it's not going to be good. I didn't look up I just kept watching the movie. Aaron turned on the lights that I had turned off and I rolled my eyes holding myself back from yelling at him. "You're all alone in the dark?" He asked me. I just kept watching the movie not looking at him. The light being on kept bothering me though.

"Can you turn the light off." I snapped at him. The lights turned back off and I continued watching Knocked Up.

"Ah Knocked Up such a classic romance." Aaron joked. I didn't respond again. He was such a clueless bastard. He cleared his throat. "I saw that you came. I didn't think you'd actually come." He said quietly.

"Ya Rachel talked me into it. She's actually a fan." I said annoyed.

"Where'd you go? I looked up and I saw you weren't there anymore. I thought I had imagined you being there."

"I left."

"Oh." Oh that's all that asshole had to say. I pulled the blanket around myself even tighter. "Why?" He finally asked.

"Because I met your little girlfriend and it was awkward as fuck."

"You met Erica?" His eyes grew wide. I nodded.

"Unlike you I couldn't sit there and lie to her."

"Lie. Lie about what?"

"Hm well the fact that while you're seeing her you're fucking your roommate."

"We're just having sex. We're not anything." I felt my heart drop.

"Well we're not having sex anymore. What do you think I'm the type of person who would have sex with someone who is with someone else."

"We're not official." Aaron said trying to make it sound better. "I mean you wouldn't really care." I felt myself growing furious. I stood up. "Fuck. No Brooke that's not what I meant. I slapped him right across the face. I couldn't stop the tears now.

"I've had some fucked up shit said to me in my life Aaron but that by far is the worse." I felt him grab my wrist as I tried to walk away. "Let go of me." He didn't. I turned around. "My life was ruined when my dad ran off with his young girlfriend when I was sixteen. I would never do that to anyone ever. Fuck you."

I ran to my room and slammed my door. Fuck him. I am done with Aaron Ramsey.

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