Chapter 34

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"Let me get this. Jake was at the game and you were talking to him. And Aaron got really jealous?"

"Ya." I was happy she was here hanging out with me. Work has been a little slow and I have spent all of my time sulking in my own misery. Rachel took time out of her schedule to hang out with me for the day in London.

"Things are really bad aren't they." I nodded.

She started talking, but I wasn't listening. All I could think about was how terrible I felt. How once I get home the apartment is just going to be silence. I have to go to bed tonight with a big empty space in my bed instead of Aaron's arm wrapped around me. It's all my fault.

"BROOKE." Rachel's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You said you needed to go grocery shopping." Rachel reminded me as we stopped in front of the store.

"Right." I said then walked inside.

I looked around trying to remember what to get."Shit." I muttered.

"What's wrong?" I thought I was going to break down in the middle of the store.

"Normally I start a list leave it on the fridge and Aaron writes what he needs on it, but we haven't done the list in a couple of weeks and I don't remember what to get." I said freaking out. Rachel looked at me like I was crazy.

"Brooke. It's okay." Rachel rubbed her hand on my back comforting me. I choked back tears. I am really over crying about this.

"No it's not. This is all my fault. So I need to deal with it." Rachel looked at me unconvinced."Eggs. I need eggs." I said remembering something glad I could change the subject.

"I'm starving. I am going to go get a sandwich okay."

"Okay." I said as I headed to get some eggs.

"Brooke." I heard someone say my name. I shut my eyes having no idea who to expect. The voice sounded familiar. Maybe it was someone who I have heard call me a whore on the streets before.

I turned around seeing the last person I expected to see. Rosalie. Aaron's ex. She smiled at me and gave me a quick hug. I was really confused by the hug. Wow running into two random people in one day."It's so nice to see you." Really?"I came down here for the week. I miss living in London. It's such a coincidence that I ran into you."

"Ya it is." Was all I could manage to respond.

"I am actually really happy that I get to see you again." I looked at her confused."I was really happy that Aaron came to the wedding. I didn't really expect to him to and everyone said he wouldn't, but I guess you were the reason why he went and I wanted to thank you. I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did to him. Seeing him with really just justifies that we weren't meant o be together. The way he looks at you. He never looked at me. He's a really great guy and you're a lucky girl. You probably hate my guts and think I'm a complete bitch and I think that to, but thank you for being that girl for Aaron." I froze.

"Hey Rose." I heard someone come up to her. It was another person who I recognized. Daniel."Oh hey." He said seeing that we were talking.

"I'll let you two continue shopping, but it was nice to see you Rosalie." She smiled at me and I grabbed the eggs and turned to walk away.

"Get what you need?" Rachel asked me.

"Not even close." She looked at me confused."I'm a mess Rach." I blurted out."I messed everything up and I don't deserve him."

"Here let's get these eggs then get out of here." Rachel brought us to the self check-out and we quickly walked out of the store.

We sat down at a small cafe."Now tell me where all of this nonsense if coming from."

"I just ran into Aaron's ex in the store." Rachel's mouth dropped open.

"You mean the girl that cheated on him with his best friend?"

"Yes her."

"Was it awkward."

"At first. Then she um thanked me."

"She what?"

"She thanked me for getting Aaron to come to the wedding and she told me that like by the he looks at me she really knows that they weren't meant to be together. I guess the world just wants me to feel more and more like shitty person."

"Well if it's not what you want then you had to be honest. It's better now rather than in a year when he has marriage on his mind."

"Ya I guess."

"Are you sure it's something you don't want."

"I guess."

"You guess?" Rachel sighed."Okay Brookey could you imagine yourself staying with Aaron for a long time."

"Right now I have no idea what's going to hap..."

"Take out this whole situation. Could you imagine staying with him for a long time." I nodded."What about the rest of your life?"

I thought deeply about Rachel's question. I love Aaron. Staying with him for the rest of my life would be amazing, but what if he hurts me then leaves? I will never be a girl who gets a divorce. I am not carrying on my family reputation. I want to always be with him, but I don't know if I could go through with marriage.

"Of course I can Rach."

"You're scared because of your parents Brooke. Aaron is nothing like your parents. Especially your dad. He loves you. He really does."

"I know. He just deserves so much better than me."

"Bullshit. He wants you. He loves you Brooke. You're going to lose him if you continue on." My whole body tensed up at the thought.

Losing him is my biggest fear and now it's happening.

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