Chapter 14

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Aaron's p.o.v.

I sat on the couch watching the Bourne Legacy. Jeremy Renner is not Matt Damon, but I have to admit it's pretty good.

I heard Brooke's familiar giggle and I turned down the volume on the movie to try and listen in.

"He's taking me to Skylon tonight. Skylon that place is so nice." I heard her say. Obviously she's talking to Rachel. Skylon hmmm. That guy knows all of the tricks. Stupid Eden Hazard."I'm nervous. I mean I don't even know how to act around him. It's so random." She stopped talking, so I knew Rachel was responding, but I couldn't hear what she was saying."Of course I'm being careful Rach. It's me. Whatever I'm just happy I found Eden." I felt my heart drop when she said that. It's like she knew I was listening in and wanted to hurt me on purpose. It's been a few weeks almost a month since the story broke about Brooke and Eden. I can't believe she would start seeing him. I didn't bring it up because I was still trying to plan something.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I had a text from my brother Josh.

Coleen's in town for the weekend. Doesn't know anyone. Can you maybe hang out with her one night

I saw the text and knew this was my chance. I went onto google and searched the number for Skylon."Skylon Restaurant.Hello this is Macy how may I help you?"

"Hello Macy. I was wondering if there's anyway I could make a reservation for tonight?"

"Oh we are certainly almost booked sir."

"Well if you could please do me a favor and just put my name on the list. Please it would mean so much." She sighed.

"What is your name sir?"

"Aaron. Aaron Ramsey." I shut my eyes hoping she was a fan.

"Mr. Ramsey." I could hear the fan girl in her voice and I gave myself a thumbs up."Your reservation is at seven."

"Thanks Macy. I am forever grateful."

"Your very welcome. See you at seven." I hung up and I went through my contacts to find my brother's finace Coleen's number. I pressed the call button and waited.

"Hello." I heard her familiar voice.

"Hey Coleen."

"Aaron Ramsey. Let me guess Josh told you to call."

"Hey I'm offended. I can't call up my favorite girl to see how she's doing?"

"Looks like you have a new favorite girl now." She teased me. Coleen met Brooke at the wedding and I felt a sad feeling.

"Oh ya." Was all I could manage to say."I heard you're in town for the weekend."

"You heard right?"

"Can I pick you up at your hotel and treat you to a nice dinner tonight?"

"You Ramsey boys are too sweet." Ew. My brother sweet. Never, but me I'm as sweet as it gets.

"I'll pick you up at your hotel at 6:45."

"Sounds great I'm staying at the Holiday Inn Express in downtown."

"Perfect. I'll pick you up then."

"Thanks Aaron." She hung up and I turned my movie back up. Brooke walked out of the kitchen and walked right past me.

"Are you going to pretend like I don't exist?" I asked her.

"Wishing you didn't." She yelled back.

"Brooklyn you're too sweet." She slammed her door. She has no idea what's even coming. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees me tonight. Brooke wants to play this game like I said two can play this.


"Little Aaron." I heard Coleen. I turned around and smile. I held my arms out and gave her a quick hug.

"Coleen how have you been?"

"Bored out of my mind I've been in business conferences all day."

"Well I'll make sure your night is so much better."

"Of course you will. That's the little Ramsey I know." I smiled and opened the car door for her.

"How's my brother treating you?" I asked her.

"Perfectly." I rolled my eyes. Those two are so in love. They never even fight. How do they not fight? They always agree.

We got to the restaurant and I opened the car door for Coleen and we headed into the restaurant. We walked up to the front desk."Hello name please." The woman said. I looked down and her name tag said Macy.

"Hey it's my girl Macy." She looked up and smiled.

"Hello Mr. Ramsey."

"Thanks so much for squeezing us in at last minute."

"Of course anything for a gunner." She whispered."Seven pm right on the dot."

"I always make sure I'm on time."

"Your table is right this way."

"Flirting with the receptionist aren't we?" Coleen teased me.

"Well she did me a favor. Sometimes I have to work my charm."

"Would Brooke like that?"

"Why wouldn't she? We're not together." I stated firmly even though it hurt so much to say that. We followed Macy as she walked towards our table. I heard a familiar voice and I stopped. A smile appeared on my face and Brooke's eyes found mine. She stopped laughing immediately and froze.

Brooke's p.o.v.

Eden took me out to Skylon for dinner and everything was going great. We were having a nice dinner until one moment I look up and I swear I see Aaron. No I'm just imagining it. Damnit Ramsey get out of my head. I'm here with Eden. I look down then look up. Immediately my body tenses and I freeze. He's really standing there."Brooke?" I heard Eden's voice."Brooke."

"Brooke is that you?" I heard Aaron's voice and I cringed. No this can not be happening right now. Why is he here? this is my worst nightmare. I've only been seeing Eden for almost a month and I've been avoiding this awkward moment for so long.

"Hi Aaron." I put on my fakest smile. Eden looked completely confused.

"You've met my brother's fiance Coleen right? Remember you met her at the wedding." I tried my best to hold the fake smile. I wanted to yell at him so badly right now.

"Yes. It's nice to see you again."

"You too." Coleen smiled politely looking a little bit confused.

"Eden Hazard. I've heard so many things about you. Hope you're enjoying London mate. Too bad it's for the wrong time." Aaron added. He was joking, but it got on my nerves. Eden laughed.

"The better team." I smiled at Aaron knowing how much my love for Chelsea annoys him."The won that won champions league last year."

"Looks like Macy is waiting for us at our table. It was nice to meet you Eden. What a coincidence that we're at the same restaurant." He had an evil grin on his face. My mouth dropped open. I know what he's doing. He challenged me and he's playing this out. I sighed not ready to face Eden after he left. That asshole. A part of me wanted him to be upset when he saw the articles and tabloids about Eden and I. I wanted him to be jealous so badly, but he didn't say anything. It made me so angry, but now seeing him here. The way he emphasized the word coincidence. I knew he planned this. That sneaky bastard.

"You know Aaron Ramsey?" Eden looked at me confused.

"Yes." I admitted. Now is the perfect time to tell him the truth. Well not the whole truth I don't want to add in that I slept with Aaron for a long time. That would make it look like I'm some gold digging bitch that hops from different football players. I should just tell him we're roommates and friends. Not even.

"I saw the picture in the tabloid of you two. From a while ago."

"He didn't have a date and really needed one for the opening, so I helped him out. We're old friends that's all." I lied. Fuck. Why didn't I just tell him the truth. Why didn't I just tell him we're roommates. Why am I so afraid of telling Eden the truth about Aaron and I. Maybe because I'm not even telling the truth to myself.

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