Chapter 4

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I finished applying my mascara. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. There was a knock on my door. I knew it was Aaron. I smiled looking over at the clock in my room. I knew he had said to meet in the living room at seven, but I purposely waited to get ready, so that I'd make him wait. It's 7:15."Brooke." He finally said.

I slowly made my way over to the door and opened it." Sorry I'm running a little bit late." I said innocently to him.

"Well you clean up nice." I smiled as I walked past him

"You know you could say thanks or a you too."

"That would be way too predictable." I said as he caught up to me as we headed out of our apartment.

"Let's get this over with." I said as we hopped into his car.


I have been to so many restaurant openings. I've always been on the side lines making sure everything went perfect. Now I was apart of it. I wasn't supposed to be stressed and make sure everything is perfect. I'm just supposed to enjoy myself.

"Ready?" Aaron asked me. I nodded. He laughed.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"I don't think I've ever seen you nervous."

"I am not nervous." I corrected him.

"Okay." He dropped it. He quickly put his arm around my waist as we started to make our way towards the entrance.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered.

"You're my date." He said with a smile on his face as we approached the cameras. Great I wonder what stupid story will be posted about me tomorrow.

As soon as we got into the restaurant I ripped his hand off of me. A hostess came up to us." Hello Mr. Ramsey. Your table is this way." I could tell she was a big fan. I could see she was trying so hard to hold herself back. She couldn't stop smiling. I really don't get it.

Once we were seated I looked around the restaurant." Are the others here yet?" I asked.

"I think Theo and Melanie are." He said.

"Hello I'm Patrick. I'll be your waiter for tonight." Patrick stopped talking and then his facial expression changed. "Brooke." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.


"Can I start you two off with something you drink?"

"Get me the strongest thing you have." Both Patrick and Aaron looked at me surprised. Patrick nodded.

"And for you."

"I'll have what the ladies having." He said while looking at me. I glared at him.

"Great I'll bring that right out for you." He started to walk away and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes again.

"Didn't know you had friends." Aaron joked.

"Co worker. I work here remember. And I should be working right now, but instead I'm here with you." I put on my fakest smile.

"What do you do again?" Aaron said ignoring the fact that I don't want to be here with him.

"I'm an even planner."

"That's a cool job."

Patrick delivered our drinks. "You'll like this." He winked at us. "Are you ready to order? Or do you two need a minute?" I took one last look at the menu.

"Yes we are." I answered for us.

"What can I get you?" I smiled widely.

"Hm I don't know what to get. Aaron's sweet enough to bring me to dinner. Everything is so expensive. I don't know what to get." I said innocently.

"Don't worry about it. Money isn't an issue." He said innocently back to me.

"Okay then. I'll take the rib eye." I said smiling at Aaron knowing that I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu.

"I'll take the New York." Aaron said as he handed the menus back to Patrick.

As Patrick walked away both our smiles faded. I felt unsatisfied that he wasn't mad about me ordering the most expensive thing on the menu.

"Like I said money isn't an issue." He repeated himself. It's like he can read my mind.

I picked up my drink and started to drink it quickly. "Whoa there. Take it easy." Aaron laughed as he watched me down my drink.

"I actually need another one."

"Come on Brooke. Is this really that bad?" I nodded looking around for Patrick. "Brooke why do you dislike me so much?"

"Don't even get me started."

"No I'd like to hear."

"You wake me up every morning, you don't clean your own dishes or clothes, you only sit on the couch and play video games, you are a little kid. I'm twenty-one. I don't plan to raise a kid for a while. And now I'm a single mother." He laughed. "It's really not funny. It's sad."

"I think you've just never really given me a chance."

"I'm here with you right now." I said annoyed.

"This doesn't count. I had to force you to come. I have to force my roommate to spend time with me." I tried to ignore what he was saying. No, he can't be likeable.

I felt myself starting to get a little bit dizzy. Fuck. I'm such a light-weight.

Patrick brought down another drink and I couldn't help, but down that one too."

"Brooke seriously. These drinks are strong and you're small."

"Come on Aaron have some fun. Live a little." I felt the alcohol rushing through my system.

"Okay." He said. I lifted my glass and he lifted his. We clinked them together then started to drink again.


I slowly started to open my eyes. I closed them again because the light burned. I finally got the courage to fully open them. Then the pain changed from my eyes to my head.

I tried to remember what happened last night. I went to the restaurant with Aaron. I just remember us being there. I felt something brush against my arm. "What the fuck?" I said scared. I looked next to me to see Aaron asleep.

He groaned. Right then I noticed that I was naked and this isn't my bed. "AARON." I yelled.

"What Brooke?" He opened his eyes. His annoyed look turned into a confused one. "What? Why are you in my room?"

"I woke up here. What the hell happened last night?"

"Good question."

"Gross." I said thinking about the fact that I had sex with Aaron last night.

I got up out of his bed and grabbed my dress on the floor. I noticed that he was checking me out and I felt a small smile appear on my face.

"Perv." I said before leaving his room.

I shut his door and walked quickly to my room and slammed my door. I fell onto my bed.

I just had sex with my roommate.

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