Chapter 8

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"Wow this is really nice." I said admiring the hotel as we walked in. I looked over at Aaron who looked like a nervous wreck."I mean it's really not that great." I said trying to make him feel better. "Aaron pull it together. Seriously footballers have the best acting skills. You're one of the better ones." He gave me a quick smirk and I knew I succeeded.

"Have you watched one of my games?"

"Only when you've played quality teams."

"Checking in?" The guy at the counter asked us.

"Yes. Um ya two rooms under Ramsey."

"Ah yes here it is. Oh um I have you under one room." I raised my eyebrow at Aaron.

"There must be a mistake I reserved two rooms."

"I'm so sorry Mr. Ramsey. We have a very big wedding being held here and all of the rooms are booked. We have you down for one room with a king size bed." Aaron sighed.

"You're sleeping on the ground." I joked.

"Here's your keys. Sorry about the miscommunication. Have a lovely stay." Aaron grabbed the two keys and we headed for the elevators.

"Okay let's just put our stuff in the room, get changed, and then get this over with." Aaron said back in his nervous tone.

We got to the room and I threw my suitcase in the corner. Aaron threw his suitcase on the bed. "I wasn't kidding about you sleeping on the floor." He turned around and moved himself closer to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled it behind my ear. He bit his lip playfully.

"It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before." He said seductively. I laughed.

"You're emotions are all over the place right now. Aw are you pmsing." I joked. I moved away from him and walked over to my suitcase.

"I've just been spending way too much time with you."

"You're funny Aaron."

"Aw stop it Brooke you're making me blush."

"Ew." I pulled my dress out of my suitcase.

I got up to go to the bathroom to change. I took off my leggings and t-shirt that I wore on the three hour drive here. Now I was just in my strapless bra and underwear. I dropped my dress out of my hand and I bent over to pick it up. I felt the bathroom door hit my back and I fell down to the floor.

I looked up to see Aaron standing in the doorway laughing. "You are such an asshole."

"I just opened the door. You did that yourself."

"Ever heard of privacy."

"Nothing I haven't seen." I stood up an pushed him out the door. I quickly put on my Blue bcbg dress that went down to my mid thigh. I got a raise because of how well the restaurant opening went the night I brought Aaron. I saw this dress in the store and gave in. I don't feel any guilt at all spending most of my pay check on this dress.

"Are you done in there yet? I want to brush my teeth?" Aaron called from outside the door.

"Yes you can come in." I opened the door and past him to go get my makeup bag from my suitcase. I picked up my makeup bag and turned around to see Aaron standing in the bathroom doorway checking me out. "You like my dress?" I asked him with a smile.

"It's very... uh it's nice."


"No... uh it's more than nice it's... you look really nice."

"You seriously need to get yourself together."

"Ya I know." He actually looks lost for words. Is he really this nervous?

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