Wait for Me

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"WHAT MAKES YOU FUCKING THINK I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU?! LET HER THE FUCK GO! OR SO HELP ME GOD ALEC I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hated getting like this, but he made me do it. The beast was unleashed and there wasn't a way to put him back. Only kat could, and right now. I knew she couldn't. She hated seeing me like this, I looked over at her and I saw the fear in her eyes. Problem is, I didn't know if he was the cause of it, or me. Either way, I despised seeing her like this.

He let out a dark laugh, "I wouldn't be talking so tough Harry, especially when I have something so dear to you in my hands."

He looked down at her, and my eyes followed his. Tears were flowing from her eyes, she looked so scared, helpless. It made me feel disgusted seeing his hands on her, I wanted to rip him away from her. But I knew if I even tried he would hurt her. And I wouldn't live with myself if I did that.
"What the fuck do you want?! Victoria?!" I growled again.

He laughed "you can keep her. She was just getting in the way anyway."


"You have such a temper Harry." He smiled as he pushed kat to the ground making me more furious. I looked from her to him when he spoke "I want you."

My eyebrows furrowed "me?! What the fuck do you want with me?!"

He shrugged "I just need you to do a few things for me. You come with me, and she'll be safe. For now." His smile disgusts me. I wanted to put an end to him right there. "Is it a deal Harry?"

My hands were in fists so tight they were actually turning red. "and if I don't go with you?"

He began to walk closer to me and I stepped back. Kat was on the ground, in tears as she looked up.

"If you don't come with me Harry, you can kiss her goodbye once and for all."

With a wave of his hand one of his pathetic henchmen went over by Kat and grabbed her by her shoulders. She let out a cry in pain, and I rushed over to go help her, only having him stop me with his hand. I was about to black out, due to how angry I was. I hadn't been like this in 300 years. Not since the whole thing with Katherine.

I looked down at him, I could feel the fangs showing, my blood boiling, my rage growing. "LET HER THE FUCK GO. I'LL FUCKING GO WITH YOU IF YOU LET HER GO." I looked from him, to her, to the pathetic creature holding her. "NOW!" I roared.

"Harry!" I heard a yell from behind me, I turned to see it was Zayn and the rest of them. "What the fuck are you doing?!"


"Obviously you don't! You know if he has you then he won! He'll still get Kat either way!"

I turned around and glared at him "JUST STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ZAYN."

I looked back down at Alec, who was smiling. He waved his hand, and the guy let her go. "She brings this out in you Harry, how can one girl bring out the best in you," he circled around me as I just watched her. He continued "but also the worst?"

"Just leave her alone." I spoke through my teeth.

"Guess we better go then Harry."

He turned around, and he started to walk with his followers. I started to follow, only to be stopped by Kat. Who gripped tightly onto my shirt, tears streaming down her face.

"You can't be actually going Harry. Please don't go." She spoke in between her sobs. "Please, I need you."

Her voice alone broke my heart, but seeing her tear stained cheeks, and her puffy red eyes made it even worse.

"I'll be back for you." I said softly touching her face, wiping away some of her tears. "I promise." I bent over, and kissed her forehead lightly, I closed my eyes. Fighting back the urge of wanting to stay with her.

"Harry, we're leaving. Now." Alec spoke sternly.

I looked back at Kat, who was staring back at me in silence. I slowly let go of her, and turned and began to walk towards Alec.

"NO!" I heard her scream in pain. I kept my head turned. Not wanting to look at her, cause I already so badly wanted to be with her. I could hear her running towards me. "HARRY PLEASE DON'T GO! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!"

"Kat!" I heard Zayn yell, he was probably holding her back. "Harry knows what he's doing! Let him go!"

I continued to hear her scream between her loud sobs. "HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!"

The door closed behind us, making her go quiet the farther we walked from her. Tears began to fall from my face. The heartless monster felt his heart hurting once more. I wouldn't let it last long though. I'd come back for her. I'd come back for the girl I loved and keep her from this life.

A/N: whoa, update again? I'm so happy with the feed back you guys gave me for the last chapter. It was great to see you guys still cared for this story after all this time. We only have like a couple more chapters left. Thank you so much for reading and for making me want to write
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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