Meeting more beasts.

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A/N: Some drama for you guys! Comment/vote if you want more! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!


~Kat's P.O.V~

Seems like before we knew it, the guests had arrived. I don't even know what to call it, it wasn't a dinner, because nobody ate. I don't even know what we called it. 

The room was filled with older men, much much older than Harry was. But Harry explained that they were actually below him. Harry was the one all the vampires looked up too, cause although he looked the youngest, he was actually the oldest, the oldest by far. And all the other vampires envied him for his looks, and how swift he was. They both despised and adored him at the same time. I know the feeling. 

The whole time this was going on, I was actually close by Harry's side. Not just because he held me close to his side the whole time by keeping his right hand tight around my waste. But also because I felt myself getting closer and closer to him. Why? Because the whole time I was there, the older men were staring at me like I was some piece of meat. Constantly running their eyes freely around my body, and licking their lips. I didn't know whether they wanted to eat me, or do me. But either way, it sent shivers down my spine, and made my stomach turn. 

I excused myself from Harry's grasp. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows before I looked at him and told him I had to go use the rest room. He removed his hand from my side and returned talking to the gentlemen. I felt myself running out of there as quickly as I could, making my way over to the west wing, up the stairs, passed my room, to the wash room. 

Immediately I shut the door, and sighed in relief. Getting some fresh water out of the bucket, I splashed it onto my face. I looked around for a mirror, but I couldn't find one. This really wasn't like the traditional bathroom I was used too. My left hand ran up my neck, and was instantly greeted with the markings. I hissed in pain. Then continued to touch them. 

Why did he do that? He could've taken the chance to kill me right there, but instead he just marked me?

Maybe he's just getting his use of me before he finally finishes the whole job. My hand fell from my neck, then I walked over to the door, slowly creaking it open to pear outside, checking to see if the coast was clear. And it was. Or so I thought.

Not even taking more than 4 steps, I ran into peter. One of the older vampires that had his eyes on me all night. He was about a foot in front of me, I froze as our eyes met, and the smirk on his face grew. 

Like a flash, not even in a blink of an eye, he was right in front of me, pinning me against the wall. I gasped and tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with his left hand. "You scream, and I'll fucking rip your throat out, got it?" He said as his piercing grey eyes stared into mine. I lightly nodded, but felt tears started to stream down my face. My heart was about to explode out of my chest, I couldn't hardly breathe from the fear that was struck into me, not just that, he also had his body pressed up hard enough to mine, that I could feel my lungs strangle to expand. 

I watched on his pepper stubbled face, his disgusting smirk grew. He wasn't a good looking man at all, like a pedophile actually. He had dark, almost black hair, with some grey spotting it. And he was much bigger than Harry could ever dream to be, it was frightening. 

He removed some hair from my face with his free hand as he lightly chuckled. "Such a beautiful girl you are Miss Davis...." He said in a deep raspy tone. "I've been watching you all night, watching the way you looked at me." His smile grew as my eyebrows furrowed even more. "I know you'd rather be with me than with Harry, you find my charm more irresistible, like I find yours. Problem is," He came in closer as his lips lightly brushed up the right side of my neck, and I could hear him smell my skin. "I don't know what I'm really craving more from you. If it's sexual desire, how I crave to be on top of you, and hear you moan my name. Or if it's the fact how I can smell you, you make my mouth water. Your blood would be so fucking delicious, feel wonderful as it slid down my throat." 

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