Start to run.

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Chapter 20. 

~Kat's POV~

I woke up the next morning completely sore, almost like I had been hit by a train I couldn't move. I groaned and looked down under the blankets seeing I was completely unclothed. Clothes scattered the floor of my room. But, they only seemed to be mine. 

I looked over to where Harry was supposed to be, only to find him missing. Of course he wouldn't stay. 

I got up and showered, changing into completely different clothes even doing my hair and makeup. As I got out, the steam followed filling up my room.

Once I left my doorway, I was met by a familiar face. Almost scaring me from the sudden contact. 

"You ready?" Zayn asked as he smirked.

"For what?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed. 

"You said you wanted to's your time to help." He grabbed my hand causing me to drop the dirty clothes I was carrying onto the floor pulling me along outside to the wooded area behind my apartment complex. 

"What the hell Zayn?" I asked as we stopped. 

"Your training starts today. You want to learn to fight back? That's what we're doing right now." 

"Wait, why right now all of a sudden?" I spoke. 

"Because let's just say we don't have that much time left...Now, c'mon. Show me what you got. And don't worry, don't take it easy." He smirked. 

I shook my head "What?! I'm not fighting you! Are you fucking crazy?! You could snap my body in half in a matter of seconds! No fucking thank you! I don't think so!" I turned and started to walk off when he grabbed my hand stopping me. 

"Just stop. Why do you think we're doing this for? That way if the opportunity arises, you can....somewhat defend yourself...." 

"Why are you the one teaching me though?" 

"Because, Harry's orders. The other boys are all too rough, including Harry. So they thought I would be the perfect man for the job." He smiled slightly. "Now c'mon." He put up his hands. 

I sighed knowing this day wouldn't be the shortest. 

The sun had moved, now being completely on the other side of the woods. I was completely out of breath, feeling like I was going to pass out any second. "Okay, okay! I give up!" I yelled as I panted. 

Zayn laughed "You're so sensitive." 

I glared at him as I sat on a near by rock trying to catch my breath. 

"Here, drink this." He threw me a water bottle and I caught it. I opened up the lid and quickly began to chug, relieving my horrible dry sore throat. Something in it tasted funny, instantly making me spit it out after taking a couple chugs. 

"What the hell is in this?!" I asked as I wiped my mouth. 

"Vervain." He replied. "You need to have this in your system from now on. That way if you do end up getting your ass in trouble, you can't be compelled or bitten. And even if you are, the vampire who bit you wouldn't last long any ways if they drank a few ounces." 

I looked down at the bottle then back up at him. I mumbled before I took another drink. "Tastes like dirt...."

I heard him let out a light chuckle. "Sorry. I tried washing it with gloves on so." 

I took another drink forcing it down before I put the bottle on the ground. 

"Now, I want you to run. Run as fast as you can okay?" He asked. "I want to see how long it will take for me to catch up on your scent and find you. I'll give you a good 10 minutes to find you. Now go." 

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