Bitter Rivals.

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks! Haha, I'm just planning where this is all going! But, just a little heads up, it does get a whole hell of a lot better, and totally more entertaining and dramatic. This chapter was just used to set up the beginning of it all. So, I hope you enjoy it! And please do not forget to vote/comment if you want more! Happy reading my loves! 


~Kat's P.O.V~ 

Weeks had gone by. I felt like I was going crazy with all the information I was receiving, but I really wasn't obtaining. Harry spilled out his heart to me by telling me everything, but I sitll didn't remember, I didn't remember a damn thing. And that pissed me the fuck off. 

I felt like I was her, or that I could be her. But none of the stories rang a bell in my head. I felt like I was trapped. A small mouse in a huge maze, just dying and fighting to make its way to the center. 

Harry tried to keep his distance, he could tell I was strained, he could see how bad it seemed to hurt me. 

My life before, felt like a filled book. Each chapter was already written out, and I was on chapter 19 out of many. Now I feel like all of my pages are blank, and I'm back at the beginning, I'm back at chapter one. 

Harry let me go back to my apartment, alone. He could tell I needed the free time, I needed to be on my own. But I could feel his presence around me, around the house. Like a guard dog keeping to it's post. Occasionally I'd open up my bedroom window, and see him standing there. His long lean body standing by the trees, almost blending into them. 

I'd smile down, and slightly shake my head as I'd walk away from it, letting him be like he was before. 

He admitted the reason why he took me back to his castle was to keep me safe from the leader and his disgusting clones. But then with some of my pleas and begs, he let me come back. 

Telling me vampires can't come into your home unless invited in by you, the owner or one of the ones who reside inside, but of course his only rule was that he had to stay outside my apartment complex and keep guard. 

I could even go back to work at the bakery from time to time. I had one hell  of a time explaining where I had gone for months un noticed. Claiming that my parents un expectantly just stole me away for a couple months. They hardly believed it, same with me. But I'm surprised I still even had my job there. 

Before all this happened, I felt like I was finally getting my whole life together, like I was finally getting everything right. But now I feel like a ghost, like a see through thing that doesn't even feel all human anymore, with really as to no purpose why. 

Harry was just telling me stories, just stories from his past, but, why did I feel so lost when he told me. My normal life felt as if it was dying, decaying. Instead of feeling like a new life. instead of feeling re born like I thought I would after he explained it all, I felt empty, my life was now just a shell. 

I just wish I could remember, or know if I really was her or not instead of all of this second guessing. I always knew I was different from everybody else, but I didn't know the reason why. If I knew for a fact that i was her, then my life would be all figured out, it would explain so many things. 

I sighed and got dressed before grabbing a flash light and making my way up towards Harry's. He talked about how it was supposed to be urgent, or something I don't know. 

I made my way up to the door before I could even grasp my hand around the handle to  open it, it opened on it own, with a wide eyed smirking Harry behind it. 

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