Bury Me In Secrets

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"W-Whoa wait, protector?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell is a protector?"

She looked at me and sighed as she started to walk off with my arm still wrapped around hers, causing her to pull me along. 

"I just look after you okay?" She replied as she looked dead ahead as we walked through the dim lit streets. With nothing but the occasional car driving by to fill the awkward silence. 

"But, you just, you did that with your hand and-" 

She stopped and put her hand on my mouth looking at me directly in my eyes "Would you just sh? You can find out all about this tomorrow. After you get some sleep..not right now."

I just stared into her eyes silently, until I finally groaned and mumbled against her hand. "Fine." I agreed. She finally removed her hand from my mouth, and dropped it towards her side. "I'll go to sleep. But I better find out about all this tomorrow. I hope you know I won't forget about it, and won't stop asking questions until you tell me...."

She laughed slightly at me, and I furrowed my eyebrows as she spoke. "Yeah, I know you won't. Trust me. I know how you're a stubborn ass Kat." She smirked as we reached the hotel lobby, then up to my room. 

I felt awkward walking around her, because she seemed to know so much about me, but I didn't know shit about her. Which made me kind of nervous. Since I discovered that there were truly infact vampires were roaming the earth, and that they were actually real instead of just being popular book series. Something still told me there were even crazier things out there in this world hidden behind the human eye. We're trained to see only what we're supposed to see, not the real things out there. 

I walked into my bedroom, unsure still, and undressed my body, getting into a huge over sized purple t shirt, and some plaid pj bottoms before crawling into bed. I laid there on my back, for what seemed to be forever, until I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in." Was all I said, already knowing who it was. She walked into my room, gliding seemed more like it. She seemed so graceful as she walked in, then she stood right beside my bed. 

"You and Harry are fighting again huh?" Was all she asked as she looked down at me with her arms slightly crossed. 

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. "How do you know about me and Harry?"

She smiled down at the ground, then back up at me. "I'm your.....protector remember?" 

"I still don't get what you mean by that..." 

"I'll explain it in the morning. I already told you I would." 

I looked over at her "Then why aren't you letting me sleep right now?"

She laughed yet again, something my friends would normally do if I made a stupid comment. "Because, I know you. You can't fall asleep once somethings bothering you, like you not knowing who I am....and also when you fight with Harry...." 

I sighed and looked at her then straight back in front of me. "Harry and I aren't even together okay? We were never a thing."

She laughed once more. " Liar...." 

I looked over at her. "I'm not fucking lying. I'm speaking the truth." 

She sat down on the ground and looked up at me. "Then how come you two kissed and did the.....you know. " She winked as she wiggled her eyebrows and laughed. I just sat there furrowing my eyebrows at her. "I'm your protector remember? I know everything." 

"Well....I feel violated now. I don't know how I feel about this whole "protector" thing." I looked down at her. "I mean, how do I even know I'm supposed to trust you?"

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