Getting to know the beast

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A/N: Here you go guys! I decided to post chapters every other day or so! I was actualy going to stop for awhile, but some tumblr users convinced me otherwise! Hope you enjoy reading it, and please vote/comment. 


~Kat's P.O.V~

I finally got up and got dressed into yet another one of those dresses that Harry insists I wear while I live here. I didn't like those things most of the time. I was a jeans and tshirts kind of girl, not a freaking medieval maiden dress wearing girl. I hated dresses for two reasons. 

1. I felt way too exposed under them


2. I hated putting them on.

I mean, I'll admit, I did wear a few dresses in my time before I got kidnapped here, granted, they were a homecoming and prom dress both my senior year of High school. It's funny though, cause when I was younger, that's all you seemed to see me in, is dresses and plastic high heels. I wonder how that managed to change?

I walked over to my vanity mirror and fixed my curls, then looked deep into my own auburn eyes. While my mind was going crazy over that supposed "dream" I had about Harry. I'll admit, I've had sex dreams before, just nothing no where near this level. 

And the fact that it was with Harry, made it even weirder. I hated that guy, he took me away from my family and my new life, while he walks around giving me demands like his own personal slave?! I hated it. And I knew I could never forgive him for it, not as long as I lived. 

I sighed and looked down at my dress as I flattened it out then proceeded to walk out. I did the couple chores I had to do, then I found myself in one of the corridors, peaking out, peering out as I watched the gray clouds devour the golden sun. Taking all the color out of this already dampened, and colorless world. 

I sat down my arms on the cold stone, folding them down as I laid the left side of my face on them, still continuing to watch the sky as the brisk air brushed itself against my skin, making the curls in my hair move back and forth, sometimes tickling my porcelain colored nose. 

Before I knew it, I felt a single tear escape from my left eye. Then another out of my right, then left again. Almost like a saddened symphony, they continued to fall. Why you may ask?

Because, I remembered watching the sky like this when I was back at home with my family. Opening my small window in my small room with white colored walls, watching the sunshine in the summer, having the trees in front of it blocking my view. Finally watching as the leaves would fall from the trees in the Fall, revealing the dark grey mountains that were hidden behind. And in the winter, looking out, looking at those same trees thickly coated in ice crystals, making them absolutely breath taking. The mountains no longer visible, the whole area covered with a heavy fog, and everything that was visible, was covered in a light coat of white. 

I missed there, now more than ever. And it killed me knowing I could never go back, I could never see that same view, or my family again. Knowing this was the place I was going to die, whether it be from a single bite, sickness, or even old age swallowing me up, taking me whole. But I highly doubt Harry would let me stick around for that long. 

I was just his toy, his simple play thing that he loved to mess with and would put back on his shelf after he was done with me. I've always been someone's toy while growing up, but I couldn't stand being his more than the others. 

I felt some more wind brush up against me, this time coming from behind, signaling I was no longer alone, it was Harry. I rolled my eyes, then wiped away their tears. 

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