Give me a reason.

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~Kat's P.O.V~

I woke up and stretched as the morning sun peaked through the cracks of the creme colored blinds. My left hand stretched beyond the other pillow, feeling nothing but space, meaning Harry didn't sleep in here last night. 

To be completely honest, I don't even remember falling asleep myself. All I remember are Harry's other friends showing up last night, and coming in to talk after I invited them in of course. I was a bit hesitant to let them in, but Harry re assured me again none the less. 

I was utterly star struck when I saw the three other boys before me. One was kind of shorter, with chocolate colored locks that tucked behind his ears and looked nothing but wild with dark stubble on his face and captivating blue eyes to match. Another was taller, with lighter brown locks that struck upwards out of his face, brown eyes to match his hair, as well as some dark stubble to make it complete. The last boy was truly beautiful. He had snow white pale skin. Blonde hair was at his tips in his quiff, while the sides were a darkened brunette. His piercing blue eyes seemed so strike your attention every time you were near him. No stubble was on his face unlike the rest, but he did have one dimple that sat itself perfectly in the middle of his chin. His accent was even different too from the others. He sounded what I thought was Irish. 

I sat there in my chair just staring at all of them, they were all completely ravishing in their own ways. The kind to make a girl like me go weak in the knees, or any girl for that matter. Later that night, I actually got to know all their names. The first one I saw with the hair tucked behind his ears was Louis, apparently he was the oldest, not in vampire years of course cause Harry beat him in that department. But by their human age for when they turned. The one with the matching brown hair and eyes was named Liam. He looked like a Liam to me, I don't know why, but the name fit him perfectly. And last but not least. The gorgeous one with the porcelain skin like mine and the piercing blue eyes was named Niall. I actually laughed slightly when he admitted he was Irish, causing all them to give me a weird gaze. But I was actually surprised I was right. 

Days had gone by, and Harry really hasn't said much to me. Just occasional awkward passes have been exchanged. He spent all his time with the boys, talking, planning. I felt kind of useless. Not really knowing what to do, or how to help. How could I help? I was up against an army of vampires, and I was nothing more than a pathetic human. 

Most of the time I feel lonely. Just sitting in my apartment doing nothing as the boys did their plans. Most of the time I wouldn't even see any of them. Only when I'd pull back the curtains and see which one was on for their "shift" of watching me. I felt trapped. Like a little kid in a time out. 

Not even the phone calls from my family and friends back home could put me at ease. Not with all the thoughts of the monster who's obsession with "me" that's running through my head. 

My dreams at night were only about one thing. Harry. He seemed to glow in them, almost angel like. A smile plastered to his face, laughing. Something I know I haven't really seen Harry do. 

He seemed happy, not the fake kind. But the true and honest kind. It had to of been my favorite look on him. Of course, right before I'd wake up my dreams would become lustful. Making me wake up with the craving to have his lips on mine. 

I needed him, in more ways than one. The only problem was I couldn't separate if my feelings were true for him, or just another human to vampire obsession. And that's what I thought about the most. I didn't want to be another obsession, for once I wanted to actually FEEL something, not be controlled. 

I woke up in the middle of the night of course alone, after another taunting dream of Harry and I. I moved all my frizzed out curls to one side and got up to go fetch myself a bottle of water. 

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