Wait for the morning.

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A/N: Here you guys go! Sorry it's been a week since I updated last, but I just got a job, so I have been really busy. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter since you waited so long! And it's finally from Harry's P.O.V. So I hope you enjoy that! Don't forget to vote/comment if you want more!(: 


~Harry's P.O.V~

I got out of there as fast as I could. I tried so hard to make her happy. I wanted to see her smile. So, I did the one thing I swore I would never do, I got caught up in the humans. 

For centuries I only looked at them as food. Like a nice juicy steak that I just had to sink my teeth into. When things happened at that party, I wasn't really worried about if other people saw me like, well, like the beast inside of me. But I was worried about Kat seeing. I never liked her seeing that side of me. 

I was a beast, a monster. At least I thought I was, that was until the day I had the pleasure of actually getting to know Kat. Truth be told, before the strange events when I kidnapped her, I actually had been watching her, for months. 

That's when I discovered how much she was in danger, when I discovered who she really was. Kat wasn't like every other girl or human. For obvious reasons more than one. Not just because she controlled the beast that was inside of me, but because of the reasons of who she was in her past life. 

Something she had no idea of. And who she was then, is what keeps her in danger now. I looked at myself as her protector, like her guard dog ready to pounce at any moment. So many times she asked me why I kidnapped her, why she was in so much danger, and honestly, I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn't, at least not right now. 

I needed to go back, I needed to be by her side just incase something would happen. I knew people had found out who she was, but they haven't figured out that I had her yet. 

But that was the thing, I had her, and I was planning on keeping her. Not like a toy, not like a pet like how I used to toy with the others back in my past. I wanted to keep her, in my arms, keep her safe. 

Like a ticking bomb, I exploded with the slightest touch when I saw that guy trying to drag Kat out. I'm usually good at keeping it under control, at least I thought I was. 

Everything is always different with Kat, and I don't know why. It's like every time I was with her, I felt my icy heart begin to melt with just her simple smile. I was sent to protect her, little did I know that more things were going to be in play. I thought I was just going to watch her, and nothing else, but, there's just so much more. 

I found myself on the tallest mountain, the tallest hill in the whole town. I had been gone all night, avoiding the confrontation between Kat and the people at the party. 

I traced her scent as I walked down the mountain, knowing she didn't go far, she just couldn't. I traced it all the way back to her house, to her flat in the sweet silent town that had changed oh so much from what I remembered over the centuries. 

The morning light began to pear over the horizon, lightly kissing the darkened sky. I found my way into her flat through the opened window, and walked in. I found her sleeping, passed out on her couch, still in her party clothes, huddled in a ball without anything to keep her warm.

I walked over to her other chair in what she called was her "living room" And grabbed the soft stripped blanket that laid on the chair's arm, and draped it over her small frame. I could hear her hum in satisfaction as she cuddled up more into the fabric. I smiled slightly, just to my left side, as I stood there, and watched her. 

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