Sweet dream, or a beautiful Nightmare?

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A/N: Here's my first smut chapter ever! Hope you enjoy it! Comment/vote if you want more! I love all the positive feed back I've been getting from you guys! Thank you so much!


~Kat's P.O.V~

A couple days have passed since that whole incident happened with Harry and Peter. I still don't really know what happened to him, but I can just imagine. Little contact has been held with Harry, only because some things have been awkward. He just acts awkward around me. We were back to the whole "Yes sir, No sir" and "Hello Master" things which I absolutely despised. Was he just keeping me here for the cleaning now? Because he hasn't even tried anything, not since I was bitten, he hasn't popped up behind me as usual, brushed his lips across my ear or neck, nothing. It was like I was invisible to him.

Everyday, I waited. Waited to see if those old fables were true. I didn't feel any different, I didn't feel lustful around him or anything. So, maybe it didn't work, or just wasn't true. I just wished sometimes he'd chat with me though. It gets incredibly lonely in a large castle without having anyone to talk to, it makes the time pass a lot slower. I wonder if this is how he felt all these years, how did he do it? How did he maintain it without going absolutely mad, insane even?

I woke up this morning, and did my usual chores, making my way out to the garden after I was finished with the inside. The morning air was chilled as the sun slowly rose above the horizon. I took in the fresh scent of the pines as I walked through the huge light colored stone arch that was covered with lightly colored vines that intertwined through the deep cracks. 

My eyes scanned around me, looking at one bush, to the next. Some were covered with blood red flowers, others were covered with bright yellow and even some pink. The castle was covered with a light fog, that seemed to cover the grass and pavement, which gave it the more eery feel. I bent down and picked up a red rose, bringing it up to my nose, and taking in it's beautiful sweet scent. Which only reminded me of back home with my family, my parents used to love rose bushes. Buying new ones every year, we basically filled our yard with them. My mom telling me to never pick them, only having the temptation of wanting one grow even more inside of me. 

I came back from my flash back, and laid my eyes back on the blood rose that laid in my hand before me and sighed then I continued on my walk through the mysterious garden. 

Before I knew it, my eyes were met with giant mid green bushes, almost as big as half the castle. My eyes widened when I stood there and realized each one resembled an animal. There was a lion, elephant, one shaped like an elk, with giant antlers. And another was what seemed to be a snake or dragon that looped both beneath and above the ground.

Mindlessly turning the rose in my hand as I continued to stare at the bushes, I suddenly pricked my finger with a thorn and dropped it out of my hands. "Ow!" I said as I looked at my right index finger with furrowed eyebrows. I watched as a single  drop of blood began to ooze out of my skin. 

"You always seem to hurt yourself, even with a mindless thorn from a rose." 

I jumped from the sudden voice, and heard Harry chuckle behind me, he slowly walked around, now facing me as he looked down from my hand, to my face. 

"Here, let me." He smiled as he reached out his right hand for me to take, I hesitated for a bit, and he chuckled some more. "Oh c'mon, just let me have it." 

I slowly handed my dripping finger over to him. He lightly grasped it in his hands as he stared down at it and smiled. "Blood is such a beautiful thing isn't it?" He said as he smiled and looked from it to me. "Maybe not to you, but the color of it is breath taking. How it can go from a simple dark blue, dancing along in your veins, to a deep red once it is forced to be exposed to air, by a simple cut," He looked up into my eyes and smiled and lightly chuckled "Or, in your case a poke." The smile faded from his lips, as he slowly brought my finger up to his, not breaking eye contact from mine. My mouth was part way open as my eyes never left his, I could feel my heart begin to quicken. 

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