Love Love Love

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"No! Kat! You're supposed to kick!" Zayn sighed. 

I stopped and put my hands on either side of my hips and tried to control my heavy breathing. I could literally feel the sweat glistening down my face. 

"We've been at this for two hours!" I complained. "I need a break, or I'm never going to get this down!" 

"You took a break five minutes ago! Now c'mon! Do you want to beat Alec or not?" 

I took a seat in a flimsy white plastic lawn chair and grabbed my water bottle that was filled with, you guessed it, virvain. I grasped it in my right hand, and set my elbows on my knees as I looked up at him, my neck raising higher the closer he got to me. Now, he was standing directly in front of me, trying to catch his breath as well.

"Well?" He asked as he stood before me. 

"I'm not moving." I replied back still looking at him, almost straining my neck to get a better look at him. 

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me up using his strength that he literally had over me and made me stand on my feet. "We're not done yet. Now c'mon." 

I glared up at him, "You know, you're lucky you have this whole, "super human" strength going for you. Other wise you wouldn't of gotten my ass out of that chair." 

He smirked a bit amused and let out a slight chuckle. "Now, c'mon you stubborn ass. It's almost sunset." 

Zayn moved in front of me, like in a fighting video game he stood some distance between us, holding up his hands getting ready to fight. "Now, c'mon. Come at me like that one move I taught you, grab your wooden steak, and try to thrust it into my heart." He motioned his hands for me to come at him. 

I took in a deep breath, and began to run as I held the steak firm in my hand. I let out a slight grunt and went to go stab it in him, when all of a sudden he had me flipped around with his arms firmly around my neck and I gasped. His mouth close to my neck and right ear. 

"Got ya." He whispered in my ear. 

My eyebrows furrowed, and I tried to get out of his grip with my mouth forming a straight line. 

He let out a slight chuckle. "You're getting better. Not as weak as you were...." He leaned in and whispered in my ear once more. "But still weak." I could literally feel him smile with just the tone in his voice. 

All of a sudden I heard the sound of twigs snapping from the sound of someone walking. I quickly looked up, and I could feel Zayn do the same, only to see Harry standing before us in one of his long trench coats of his. 

His hair was slightly a mess, curled upwards and towards the side. It honestly seemed like every day his hair was getting longer, his hair like a waterfall of chocolate curls. You know...not that I would notice or anything. 

His hands were in his pockets, and his face had a slight glare to it. Zayn quickly cleared his throat and took his hands off of me and soon stood right beside me. I looked back from him to Harry to see who was going to show a reaction first, or at least talk. 

It was Harry who opened up his mouth, "Zayn, I think that's enough for tonight, because I need you to come back inside. Niall had a plan, and he wanted all of us to hear it." 

Then he looked over at me, "Us, meaning the guys. Not you." 

My eyebrows furrowed. How could he be such an asshole, when I have done absolutely nothing to him. It was HIM who's done EVERYTHING to me. 

"Yeah. Go have your meeting." I replied harshly, "I'm just gonna go take a shower..." I grabbed my water bottle with haste as I walked back by that familiar chair. The look of sheer anger not leaving my face as I walked back up the stairs to my flat, slamming the door behind me, and made myself to the bathroom. Passing by the rest of the boys, and Yasmine without a single word spoken. 

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