From Heaven to Hell.

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A/N: Here's chapter two! Please vote or comment if you want more! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it sucks! Haha.                                                                                                                       


~Kat's P.O.V~

I woke up to a strong throbbing pain coming from my head, my eyes lightly fluttered open as my eyebrows remained furrowed. As my eyes adjusted to what seemed to be complete darkness. I tried to sit up, only to feel the disiness caused by my headache to hold me back. 

I grabbed my head in my right hand as I tried to stand up, only to feel a heavy chain and cuff keep me from doing so. Making it hold me back. I looked over to my left hand in shock, and tried to pull on it, only for it to slightly budge. 

I looked around, being able not to see much, with only the glow of the moonlight as my flash light. I couldn't see much. I saw stone walls, there was a single window cut out of the stone on the wall behind me, which held three vertical medal bars. The floor was stone, chains hung from the walls and from the ground. I felt my eyes start to tear up. I looked directly in front of me, and saw a single wooden door, what am I in? A dungeon? People still have these around here? Can't be..... I looked back down to my left hand which was cuffed by the chain as I tried to push it off my small wrist, only for it to redden, and slightly bruise my skin.

I sighed and laid my head up against the wooden pole that was behind me. Who has me here?! What has me here...... 

As the seconds kept ticking by, the more I rememebered. Walking into the woods, night time, running. And eyes. Fuck, the red eyes?! I must've blacked out after I tripped, but, how the hell did I get here?! Where is here?!

I was broken from my thoughts when I heard the dark chuckle from earlier all over again. My eyes shot up as the remaineder of tears drenched my cheeks. 

"W-Who's there?!" I asked, clearly sounding scared shitless like I was. 

I waited a couple minutes, the chuckle became closer, louder, more defined. Sending chills down my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. 

"I said, who's there?! Show yourself!" I said in more of a demanding tone. 

The chuckling continued for a bit more, before it stopped all together. 

"Tsk, Tsk. You shouldn't be talking that way sweet heart. " The voice was dark, deep, and slightly husky. 

I bit my bottom lip and continued to look around as the voice continued. 

"Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners? Plus, you should be nice to me. After all, I am the one who saved you when you fell, and brought you back here to my castle." 

My eyebrows furrowed, castle? What the hell have I gotten myself into by coming here, these people still lived in the dark ages it seemed. 

"S-Saved? You call bringing me here and chaining me up is called saving?" 

The dark voice chuckled again, "It is considering of what I usually do." 

I peared into a dark corner by the door as I saw a shadow move passed the moonlight, when all of a sudden two red eyes appeared. But not just any red eyes, the ones I saw earlier. 

I wanted to scream, my eyes widened, my heart beat quickened, and the tears began to fill up my eyes. 

The unknown figure chuckled darkly again. "Your heart beat is quickening. Almost too fast. You really are a scared little kitty aren't you." 

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