Ruined - Aleks

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It's finally done, the painting I've been working on for Aleks' birthday is finished. I throw away the trash scattered on the floor and set my painting on my desk to dry. I wash my hands and brushes in the kitchen sink and wait for Aleks to arrive. I sit in the lobby of the office, playing on my phone and I look up when to door opens to see Jordan in front of me.

"(Y/N), why are you here so early?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I was working on the painting I made for Aleks. I just finished about an hour ago." I smile.

"Well, I'm excited to see it." Jordan says cheerfully as he walks down the hallway to his office.

It's been two hours since Jordan walked in and Dan, Intern Joe, Artist Joe, James and Stefani are all here. I told intern Joe I would show him the painting so currently, I'm taking him to my office to show him.

"You should stay out here, it's still a mess in here." I chuckle, entering my office and stepping over all of my paintbrushes and paints. I grab the painting from my desk and meet Joe in the hallway with it.

"That's amazing!" Joe says staring at my painting with wide eyes. I'm so proud of my painting I don't see the throwing knife flying down the hallway. I only see it after it slices through my painting.

"What just happened?" Joe asks, looking up at me.

"It's ruined." I whisper before walking back into my office and locking the door. I slump into my chair and begin to cry. I worked so hard on the painting for Aleks and it's ruined all because of a stupid knife. I throw the painting across the room and it lands in the trash making the entire bucket fall over.

"(Y/N), can I come in?" Joe asks gently knocking on the door.

"No." I sob, not wanting him to see me like this.

"Alright, I hope you feel better." He says before walking away.

I stare at the torn painting in the trash for what seems like an eternity until I hear another knock on the door. This one followed by a different voice.

"It's Aleks. Can I come in?" He asks.

"No. Go away." I mutter, wiping my eyes.

"Please?" He begs.

"Fine." I say after a short pause. I unlock the door to let him in, closing it right after. I collapse back into my chair and curl up into a ball. 

"I'm sorry." He whispers as he kneels in front of me.

"It's not your fault. It's mine." I whimper.

"No, it's not. The guys were fucking around and they ruined your painting, not you." He lifts my chin up with his thumb and looks me in the eyes.

"I worked for hours last night. Now I have nothing to give you."

"Yes, you do." Aleks grabs the painting out of the trash and hands it to me.

"I can't give this to you, it's ripped." I say.

"Who cares?" He shrugs

"Alright, fine." I turn the painting around and show him the front of it.

"(Y/N), this is amazing. I never knew you were an artist."

"Well, I'm not an artist. I just looked at the picture and copied it onto the canvas."

"It's perfect." He smiles.

"It's not perfect, it's torn." I frown.

"I can fix that." he grabs a roll of tape off of my desk and tapes over the rip on the back of the painting. He flips it over and it barely looks like it was ever cut.

"I also know where to put it." Aleks grabs my hand and leads me to his office. He walks towards his desk and hangs it right next to his monitors.

"Now I always have you with me." He whispers as he kisses the top of my head. 

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