Secret - Trevor

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this one!! It was a request so thank you to the person who asked for it:) I know it's a bit short, but I hope it's still okay

I feel Trevor's hand snake around my waist and my eyes move from my monitor to the man sitting next to me. I raise my eyebrows at him, and he gives me a confused look back.

"We're at work, babe." I whisper urgently. 

He then remembers one of the rules of our workplace and immediately takes his hand away. Brett made it very clear to me when I started working here that relationships between employees are not allowed. Little did I know that I would end up falling for my current boyfriend, Trevor. Turns out, he felt the same way so we started to go on dates and eventually we became official. Well, secretly official.

"Can you come over tonight?" Trevor asks in a low voice, "No one else will be home."

"I don't know, Trevor. I think hanging out at your place is still too risky." I reply, cutting down a few clips of the video.

"We've only been together at your apartment for weeks, (Y/N). I promise, no one will catch us."

He gently rubs my knee under the desk and I decide to give in. Maybe going to his place will be fun.

"Okay, fine. I'll be there later tonight."

"I'll text you when everyone else is gone."

I add the finishing touches on the video and save it so we can upload it to the channel tomorrow. It's finally 5, time for us to go home. I get in my car and drive back to my apartment to wait until Trevor's ready for me to come over. I don't change, but I freshen up and then listen to some music while scrolling through Instagram. My phone vibrates in my hand and I see Trevor's name pop up on my screen.

Trevy:) : Jakob just left you can come over whenever you're ready

I reply and tell him I'll be there in about 10 minutes. I get in my car again and this time drive to Trevor's apartment. When I get there, I knock on the door and Trevor opens in moments later with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, baby." He says as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Hi, Trevy." I reply closing the door after he lets me go.

We walk to the couch and sit down next to each other. I see that Trevor already has a movie he picked out and my favorite snacks and drinks for us to share. 

"You're so sweet for doing this, baby. Thank you." I give him a kiss on the cheek and hold his hand gently.

"I would do anything for you, (Y/N)." He replies, resting his head on mine.

We watch the movie he picked out for us, then we decide to watch one more. After that, we stay on the couch cuddling and talking.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). I'm so happy I have you in my life." Trevor whispers in my ear.

I smile then gently kiss his cheek and look into his beautiful eyes.

"You're amazing, Trevor. I love you, too."

We lean in close to each other and connect our lips into a sweet kiss. After a few beautiful seconds, we pull apart. He smiles at me, and I smile back.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Trevor."

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