Something He Can't Know / Part 2 - Aron

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A/N: This was highly requested so here's part 2 of the last Aron thing I wrote. GO READ THE FIRST PART IF YOU HAVENT YET. Don't get confused. Here ya go enjoy reading.

Aron's POV

(Y/N) doesn't respond to my text, but I can see they read it. Now I know they're ignoring me. I don't know why, though. I shift my position under the sheets, unable to fall asleep. They've been on my mind since they first started ignoring me. Is something wrong with me? Why is (Y/N) pushing me away? I wish they would at least tell me why or give me a hint. I want to fix whatever I did wrong. I'll have to figure out what to do at work tomorrow. But for now, I have to focus on trying to fall asleep.

-Next Day-

I barely got any sleep last night, probably only one or two hours. (Y/N), as always, showed up to work earlier than me so maybe now I can try to talk to them to figure out what went wrong. Instead of walking to my office, I turn to the room Aleks and (Y/N) share. Aleks' desk is empty and (Y/N)'s eyes are glued to her screen. I tap on their shoulder, but they don't respond or move.

"(Y/N), can I please talk to you?"

I get no response, but I know they can hear me. (Y/N)'s eyes are still on the screen while they scroll through Twitter. 

"I know you can hear me."

I still don't get a response.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to you since I know you're listening to me. I don't know why you're not talking to me, but if you could tell me why that would make both of our lives easier. I want to change and talk to you again, but I don't know how. I don't know what I did wrong, but I'm willing to do whatever to be friends with you again, but since you're so focused on ignoring me, I don't think that's going to happen again."

They sigh and turn to look at me. (Y/N) looks guilty and sad at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Aron," they start, "It's felt like you're kind of a different person. And you don't need to change just to be friends with me. Your personality and the way you've been acting has been different, and Aleks has noticed it, too. We both thought it would be good for us to separate, but me ignoring you is childish. I'm really sorry for making you feel bad."

"I didn't realize I was different than before. If I start acting weird again or say anything that is off to you in any way, tell me."

"Okay, I will."

(Y/N) gives me a tight hug and helps me move my stuff back into our office. It feels amazing to be talking again and I hope I don't mess anything up again. (Y/N) is special and important to me, and if I ever permanently lost her, I probably wouldn't be the same ever again.

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