Something He Can't Know - Aron

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A/N: This was requested and it was for the reader and Aron to become really good friends and then later on the reader starts ignoring him because of "something he can't know" and I'm really happy about this one so I hope you like it.

Also, I changed my username here to ChowCopp because my Instagram is ChowCop (that was already taken on here) so they would be closer together. Just wanted to let everyone know.

I sit down at my desk in this office I've never been to before. It's my first day working with Cow Chop and this is one of the most exciting yet scary things I've ever done. I don't know much about these guys, but I can tell they're a lot of fun so far. Aleks and James, my new bosses, decided to put me in an office with Aleks and their other employee, Aron. I don't know much about Aron because he's pretty quiet, but hopefully, I get to know him better.

While I'm in the middle of editing a video, James comes into my office and asks me and Aron if we want to go to dinner with everyone else. We accept his offer and head out with the rest of the crew. We go to a local restaurant I don't even know the name of. All I know is that they have good food I'll like. Everyone else sits down pretty quickly like they have seating arrangements or something. I end up sitting in between Anna and Aron, the guy I work next to. We talk a little bit, but not much during dinner. After a while, most of the crew has left since it's pretty late and people needed to go home. It's just Me, Trevor, Aron,  and James left. Trevor and Aron invite me and James over to play some video games and we both decide to go. At their apartment, we play a pretty fun game, Mario Kart. I know how to play this game which is good, and I'm also the best person I know at it, so I have a good chance of winning.

The four of us pick our characters, karts, and maps, then we start the game. I wait for the countdown to start, and only a few moments after the race started I'm in first place.

"Holy shit, how is the newbie in first?" James asks.

"Dude, I don't fucking know." Trevor replies.

As the race goes on, I'm still in first place even though I was hit with a blue shell twice. The guys are complaining about not winning and in the end, I lap James as I finish.

"Oh, come on. That was so unfair." James whines as he sees that he got last place.

"It wasn't that bad, Aron." Trevor, who got 6th place, adds.

"I think I can beat (Y/N) this time," Aron says confidently, "I got third so I could probably get first next round."

"Let's do this, Aron." I tell him as I begin the next race.

The next round starts just like the last one did, with me in first place. And it stays that way for the whole game. I'm always in first and Aron comes close to me sometimes, but he never gets close enough to beat me. I win again as the guys sigh and put their controllers down.

"How can you be so good at this game?" Aron asks as he throws his arms in the air.

"I don't know, I guess I practice a lot." I reply.

No one else is up for another round because they claim I'll win again, which is probably true. Instead of playing games, we sit and talk in the living room for a long time. In those few hours, Aron and I start to become friendly, and by the end of the night we're both laughing our asses off just by talking to one another. James leaves before I do and Trevor goes to bed not long after. Aron and I stay up late talking about anything and everything. I eventually have to go home so I'm not too tired for work tomorrow.

I wake up in the morning and realize I slept in too late. I get ready as fast as I can and rush to work so I don't get yelled at on the second day of my job. Well, I don't think James and Aleks could yell at me, but I think they could break my desk or something. Who knows. I walk into the office, which is surprisingly quiet. I walk upstairs and see no one else except for Aron.

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