Coffee Shop - Aleks

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I have just enough time to stop at my favorite coffee shop and sit down to have a drink before my job interview I have to do today. The guy I talked on the phone with, I think his name was James or Jason or something, said I could be there at 11. He didn't sound very professional, but then again, I don't think the company is the classiest company ever. I walk inside and stand in the line, which is shorter than usual. My eyes scan the menu on the wall behind the counter, even though I'm going to order the same thing I order every time I come here. Once it's my turn I order my drink and step out of line to get it once it's made. This coffee shop is my favorite since it's roomy and has a lot of tables so I always get a place to sit. I chose my favorite table, a small one for two people in the far corner of the room, and sit down. My drink tastes just as good as it does any other time.

When I'm almost done with my drink, the door opens and a man I've never seen before walks in. He doesn't seem like the usual customer to come here. Both of his arms are covered in tattoos and he's wearing very casual clothing. Normally, I don't pay much attention to the other customers here, but he caught my attention for some reason.

I watch him while he orders his drinks and while he fixes his hair by running his finger through it every few seconds. I watch him while he fumbles with his wallet trying to pay for the drinks he's ordered and while he tries to carry all eight of the drinks to the door. I finish my drink and throw the cup away on my way to the door. The man carrying the drinks isn't able to open the door so I hold it open for him when I walk out.

"Thank you." He says to me.

"You're welcome. Your co-workers ask you for coffee?" I ask him.

"You could say that." He replies.

We walk in the same direction, I guess because we're parked near each other. He stops at his car when he reaches it and realizes his keys are in his pocket.

"Would you mind holding these for a second? I have to get my keys out of my pocket." He asks, holding the two drink trays up,

"Sure, no problem."

I take the drinks from him while he grabs his keys and unlocks his car.

"Thank you, again. You've been pretty nice to me today. How about I repay you by taking you out to get a drink later tonight?" He offers.

"Sounds fun. I'll give you my number." He hands me his phone and I give him my phone number before giving it back to him.

"Thanks, I'll text you later." He says before getting into his car.

I make sure to hurry to my car so I don't end up being late to my interview. Once I get in my car, I realize I didn't even get that guy's name. I guess I'll have to wait for him to text me to find out. Luckily, there's not much traffic on the way to my interview. If there was, I wouldn't have made it on time. I park my car outside of the office, or house, I can't really tell what it is, and head inside. A man with dark curly hair pulled up into a man bun greets me at the door with a smile.

"Hey, you must be (Y/N). I'm James, nice to meet you." He holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, too." I reply as I shake his hand.

"If you don't mind following me, I'll take you to the place where I'll be interviewing you with my buddy Aleks." James says.

"Okay, sounds good."

James leads me upstairs to a room with multiple computers and desks in it. There's also a sticker of a grandma with an inhaler and a weird, red, twisty, cup on one of the desks.

"Just grab a chair and take a seat. Aleks should be up soon." James takes a chair from one of the desks and tells me to do the same.

I take the chair from the desk closest to me and sit in it. It feels sticky on the arm rests and I don't even want to know why. This place seems weird, but from what I've seen from these guys, it's not a big deal.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I was giving everyone their coffee" Aleks, James' friend, says as he enters the room.

I look up at him and see that it's the man from the coffee shop. He hands James a coffee and closes the door before sitting down with us. When he looks up at me he smiles.

"Oh, we've already met." He chuckles.

"We have." I nod.

"Really? When?" James asks.

"Earlier today. We saw each other when I got coffee for everyone."

"Oh, cool. Let's start the interview now."

After James and Aleks interview me, I stick behind with Aleks to talk to him more.

"You still up for going out later tonight? You know, with us being co-workers and everything?" He asks me with a smile.

"We're not co-workers yet, Aleks." I reply.

"I can tell James likes you. I'm pretty sure you got the job."

"Really? That's amazing." I grin.

"So, you still want to go out tonight?" He asks again.

"Of course I do, Aleks." I reply.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 8." He says.

"See you then, Aleks."

"You too, (Y/N)."

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