Chapter 12.

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Maya's POV-

I couldn't help but stare at Lucas,And for some strange reason he couldn't help but stare back at me.

This was different, A lot different on how we usually were with each other.

We weren't arguing,Yelling,Calling each other names,Or whatever else you can think of.

This was entirely different.

I stared away after a while,I was embarrassed.
Not because it happened,But because I was scared of what he would say about me staring at him.

I wondered what was going through his head when I was staring at him..
What was going through mine was complete confusion.

Him staring would have been a friendly gesture, Afterall,He and Riley had only just 'Broken up'.

After I stared away,I quickly gave him a glance, He was Frowning.

"Lucas?" I sighed at him,I hated seeing him upset like this,Although I hadn't had a clue on why he was being like this.

He looked at me after I called his name but he didn't respond back to me,I couldn't help but want to say more but I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.
Perhaps he didn't feel like talking.
Perhaps, He didn't feel like talking to me.

"Lucas?". I said his name one last time without any hesitation, I wanted to check if he was okay.

I Needed to know he was okay.

He began to look at me." Yes,Maya?" He asked me,Whilst he continued to stare.

I was utterly speechless,I hadn't thought he would actually reply back to me,I was lost for words...
But I needed to ask him something.

" are you enjoying the date night?" I asked him,A smile placed onto my face.

"It's going great..." He smiled Nervously, But then chuckled to himself."Well..Some of it,Not all of it,if I'm being honest with you Maya."

I began laughing."I can agree with you on that one,Lucas."

He began laughing with me."I'm glad you agree,Maya." He replied Smiling warmly at me.
I smiled back as best as I could.


The subway train had came to a halt,Me and Lucas slowly watched everyone getting up from the subway train as we wanted to be the last ones to get off.

Last ones?Are you asking yourself.
We love to be the last ones since then the train is no longer busy or packed full of dozens of people.

Riley and Josh had gotten off before we finally did,They were waiting at the station for us.
Riley was being impatient, Tapping her foot on the ground none stop.
Josh was Humming to himself, It was a tune I hadn't heard before,But whatever he was Humming sounded beautiful to me.

But any type of tune did sound beautiful to me,What was most important to me was,Anyone who at least tried.

I looked close at Lucas as we were walking towards Riley and Josh,Lucas's face didn't look as if he was concentrating on what he was doing.

But I decided to figure that was probably ...puberty? I don't even know...

"Lucas". I nudged him playfully." Has the cowboy got the blues?"

I'm Not That Girl(Maya/Lucas/Riley)Where stories live. Discover now