Phil's training and the Castle of the Shadows

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Phil’s training and the Castle of the Shadows

 “What a beautiful moon…” Roxanne commented, looking enchanted at the moon as she finished her drawing at the same time.

Sat on the tree’s branch, she was looking at the view from the west side of this peculiar continent; the “Lost Star” as the others was calling it.  

Having defeated Servus’s troops in one blow, Roxanne fainted that day, due to the overuse of her power. When she woke up again three days had already passed and the Camp had moved into a different location, deep into the jungle on the west side of the continent. Despite the fact that the scenery had changed and no longer she was in the forest, Roxanne continued to observe with great curiosity her surroundings, imprinting them on her sketch book.

“Roxanne! Are you still up there?” a familiar voice sounded from the ground and Roxanne waved her hand to the ground.

“I am coming Jane!” and with a hop Roxanne landed on the ground, with her feet touching it softly.

“That was a nice landing!” Jane commented amazed and the girl smiled at her.

“At least I am able to fly without Tinkebell’s pixie dust but it still is tiring.” and Roxanne pressed the necklace on her chest.

“Come on, we are going to eat at the Central Tree today.” And Roxanne followed Jane, walking near her.

The Camp this time was settled into the jungle but not in the ground. Due to the fear of the attacks from the ground, all the houses had become tree-houses, connected with each other through wooden ladders or, if anyone was in hurry, by using the trees’ whips. Not only that, but Roxanne discovered that not all the story characters she knew were gathered together; in this part of the land Tarzan, Jane and the biggest part of the gorillas, as also Shere Khan, Bagheera, Baloo and Mowgli were gathered together, protecting with their own way their lives.

“Once again, thank you for the hospitality Jane. It was hard for all of us.”

“Don’t even mention it Roxanne. It had been a while since we were all gathered together and I am sure that we will find a solution in all this.”

Roxanne smiled with her optimistic words. Jane was living with one of the strongest after all. They had already reached the trunk of one of the biggest trees into the jungle when the happy voices were heard from above; Meeko, Slightly, Pinocchio, and even Terk were using the trees whips jumping from tree to tree, heading to the Central Tree too.

Jane moved her brown tufts behind her ears and started to climb on the ladder, followed by Roxanne. When they finally reached the top, which was remodelled into that of a tree house, a strong hand took Jane’s slim palm in it and helped her stand on the wooden floor.

Tarzan helped on the same way Roxanne and the three of them entered the tree house. Everyone else welcomed them and made space into the table. Now Roxanne was seated between Beast and Bambi and she was no comfortable at all, having both Peter, floating above her head and the gorillas groaning happily around everyone else.

The deep sound that came from Tarzan’s throat made the gorillas calm down immediately and they seated behind everyone else occupying the walls of the wooden house.

Mickey got up and looked everyone quite relieved.

“I am glad that we managed to escape this time, and it’s all thanks to our brave human friend!”

Everyone toasted on her behalf and the girl lowered her eyes, blushing faintly.

“But we don’t know if Dragen will attack that place too. I believe it’s time to take action!” Beast spoke with loud voice and everyone nodded in agreement.

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