The Shadow Lord and the sapphire eyes

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    Chapter 6: The Shadow Lord and the sapphire eyes

 The darkness was thick around her when the hole closed from behind. She knew that now she was completely alone. No Shadow could be seen or even sensed, thanks to her necklace; she took out from her bag the small notebook, and took a look at her drawings.

The corridors had shapes and geometrical carvings on them; squares, triangles all of them were connecting together on both walls and floor, creating a passage. Roxanne stretched her hand and touched the wall’s surface. The cold stone made her fingers shiver and she started to walk into the dark corridors, searching for the ones on her drawings.

After a while the darkness was unbearable and even Roxanne was feeling uneasy. She tried to look around her but there was no sign of threat. Se concentrated on her necklace; the Blue Rose shined and two balls of light came from the shining blue diamond and started to float around Roxanne, lighting her way.

“That’s better.” She murmured relieved and she continued walking.

For a moment she thought that the path around her became wider and she moved her left palm, sending the blue light balls ahead, and scouting the surroundings. Her head moved back for a moment, checking cautiously her back, and she turned around again.

The sword moved with incredible speed and Roxanne managed to dodge it in time. The Shadow was standing in front of her in the form of a goblin huge and muscular with horns, followed by two smaller Shadows in the forms of smaller goblins.

“Malificent’s soldiers?” she wondered and drew her sword.

The goblin attacked her and she repelled back, hitting it in the hands and pushing it back. The Rose shined brightly, aking her blade shine and Roxanne's power increase, and the goblin retreated. Then the three of them attacked her at once but the sword’s blade became brighter and the two shining balls from earlier hit the two of the three goblins, dissolving them into smoke.

Roxanne’s potion effect disappeared and she could be seen from the remaining Shadow.

“Then, that Shadow couldn’t see me, it could smell me.” She realized and sheathed her sword back.

Roxanne looked at the remaining Shadow, which had curled its unshaped body away from her, trembling from fear.

“Hey…don’t be scared, it’s alright now. I will not harm you.” She spoke with worry when she saw its trembling state and leaned close to the Shadow.

“No…no more…pain…”

“Are you in pain?”



The Shadow shivered in the hearing of the name and Roxanne stretched her hand. The two light balls covered her body, trying to avoid her from touching the Shadow, but she pushed them back, ordering them not to move.

“Tell me…do you have a name?” she asked the Shadow and grinned gently.

“What’s a name?”

“It’s how people call each other. When I call you answer me back. It’s a vital point of our identity and existence.”

“I don’t have something like that.” The Shadow said and got up, taking the form of a small boy with red eyes.

“Then I will give you one. You are from now on...Max.” Roxanne said and smiled.

“Max? Max…Max!” the Shadow repeated many times, memorizing the name.

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