The party on the coral reef and the flying whales

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               Chapter 7: The party on the coral reef and the flying whales

 “Mommy, it hurts!” the little girl cried as her body had survived another one painful surgery.

“Just a little more, sweetie and then it will be over.her mother spoke softly and strocked her daughters brown curls, seeing her sad blue eyes.

“Mom…” Roxanne mubled and tears fell from her eyes.

Roxanne tried to move; her eyes were hurting and her head was spinning.

I fainted…I fell…wait WHERE did I fell?

She quickly opened her eyes and tried to get up; she looked around her and she almost screamed from surprise. She was lying inside the dragon’s claw, on his soft palm and his body was curled around her.

“Roxanne! Roxanne!” Max shouted from happiness and rushed in her arms.

She hugged the small Shadow puppy with relief and looked at the dragon; he was asleep and his breathing could be heard like the gust of the winds. His white pearl-like scales were glimmering and she couldn’t stop looking at them, amazed from their beauty.

Suddenly she felt the pace on the breathing changing and his eyes opened; the deep green eyes were locked on her blue, looking at her. She looked back at him; no voice, only their breaths could be heard.

“Are all right now?” he begun and Roxanne looked at him confused.

“You can speak! I didn’t imagine that back then!”

“I presume that every intelligent being has the capability of talking.” And he moved his head closer to her, observing her better.

“Thank you, I am feeling much better now.” she lowered her head, feeling shy from his intense stare.

“I must thank you, although I must admit that you were really challenging back then.”

She smiled and tried to move. Her steps were unstable and she fell again on his claw, like a baby which was trying to make its first steps.

“I wouldn’t be moving, if I were you.” the dragon advised her and with the tip of his muzzle he brushed her back, helping her stand up.

“I must find a way to contact the others.”

“They are all right, don’t worry. Besides…” and he slowly got up “we are in a friendly ground now.”

Roxanne hadn’t realized that his wings were covering both of them. When he uncurled them, she looked around her quite surprised; they were standing on a big, red sea-sponge, covered inside a huge bubble, which was providing them with air. They were lying on the bottom of the sea and the girl could the rays of the sun far away from them behind the sea’s surface.

Max jumped from joy and curiosity, seeing the sea for the first time, running all around the sponge. The dragon kneeled on his long feet, sitting on the sponge and gathered his wings, curling them behind his back.


“Very…We are under the sea!” and she looked around her smiling wide.

Roxanne walked all aroud the sponge looking at the outside of their bubble; few tropical fish passed near them and the girl squealed amazed with their shining colors. The dragon continued loking at her silent.

She turned at the dragon’s side and crossed her arms on her chest.

“You were the one who sent me those dreams, right?”

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