The search

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                                        Chapter 1: The search


Roxanne woke up when she felt the first morning rays coming through her window and making her cheeks feel warm. She couldn’t sleep the whole night from the pain on her chest; only at the first morning hours she was able to sleep a little.

She got up and headed to her bathroom; she opened the light, closing her eyes for a while. The girl looked herself at the mirror and sighed; her round pale face was looking even whiter under the room’s light, her brown, long curly hair was falling freely down to her back. Her eyes, deep blue like rare diamonds were sunken in their niches and they were red because of the lack of sleep while her eyelids were moving briefly as she was closing and opening her eyes, trying to wake up.

“The zombies look prettier.” Roxanne murmured looking at her reflection and got out from the bathroom, heading to her desk.

 She pulled away the piles of books she had prepared and found what she was looking for; her precious sketch block and her pills.

She took the small pill on her hand and looked at it expressionless. Since she remembered herself she had always problems with her heart. Born with defective heart all her life was an unstoppable race with time and between the line of life and death; for that reason she couldn’t play with her friends neither attend school like everyone else.

Thus, she never made friends, except Jenifer and Ellen the “nerds” of the class as the boys were calling them. The three of them became close friends and they shared their common love for books.

Every day they were reading about princesses, aliens and pirates, mysteries and detective stories history and comedy, thrillers and romance. Roxanne also shared with them her talent on painting; she could paint anything Jenifer and Ellen were describing and they were often saying that she should become a professional painter when she grows up.

  Roxanne smiled sadly when she remembered that and took her medicine, swallowinh the bitterness of her life and closed the last suitcase. The trip on France was a unique chance for Roxanne and her family.

After countless examinations and with the permission of her doctor she was allowed to take part into the experimental heart transplant surgery which would take place two weeks from now at Paris. The chances were fifty-fifty and she wasn’t sure but if she manage to survive her life would become much better.

“Roxanne, are you awake?”

“Yes mom.” And the door opened.

  Her mother Samantha had blond hair and refreshing brown eyes and looked at her daughter with compassion.

“Have you already finished packing? And I was coming to help you with the suitcases.” she noticed the almost empty room and turned to her daughter.

“I had done that yesterday, only my personal stuff I am preparing now” and Roxanne put into her bag her sketch block with her pencils and two of her favorite books.

“You know that you mustn’t do tiring work.” And she hugged her daughter kissing her forehead.

"I know but i wanted to prepare some of my stuff too." Roxanne murmured and Samantha looked at her, unable to scold her.

“You must be hungry, go downstairs I have prepared breakfast. Your father and Mitsi are already downstairs.”

And Roxanne took her bag and got out of the room, without looking back.

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