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 Mitsi moved her hand and the sound of the door opening gave her courage; she opened the door and entered the room. The atelier was huge and the hanged, unused canvases were full of dust. She walked into the covered painting, which was still hanging on the wall at the end of the atelier and stood before it.

“Mitsi…” Max whispered behind her and she turned at him, smiling.

He was standing at the entranve of the atelier, hesitant of entering.

“Come in Max.” and she nodded him to enter.

He walked inside and with wide steps he stood near her.

“Did you come to reveal it? Her last painting.” He asked and touched her fingers.

“It’s been ten years, since that night, when we first met. I came to understand many things about my sister and the paintings.” She said holding his hand.

“It’s been one year since they left. It was their duty to continue watching ours and the other worlds in order for Dragen never to be awaken again.” Max caressed her fingers and brought a small wooden box in front of them, taking it out from his pocket.

“But it is funny Max. I who has never painted, carry now the responsibility to continue her work.” And she took it out from the case in her hand.

The paintbrush was silver, carved with flowers and small topazes. The tip of it was blue and when Mitsi touched with it an empty canvas, color filled it and the scenery was formed. It was the sea, where ships were sailing and mermaids were jumping out of the sea waves.

“This power bestowed on me from Roxanne. She said that I would be able to wield it if I think about her and the most precious people to me.”

Max hugged her, smelling her hair. Her blond straight hair covered his face.

“Who is the most precious to you?”

Mitsi smilled with the question.

“You are.”

She looked at him and with a nod, they pulled together the sheet, which was covering the canvas.

What they saw left them speechless; Roxanne’s young figure was lying on the clouds with her hands crossed behind her head. She was looking at the moon and the aurora while the white dragon with the pearly scales was sitting behind her, looking at Roxanne with affection.

The shapes changed when Max tuned the small music box and Mitsi with Max saw the painted forms moving. Roxanne got up and hugged Sapphire who, in his human form, placed a kiss on her lips. They both looked back, gazing at the astonished Mitsi and Max right into the eyes, before they disappear in the clouds, leaving the scenery of the night sky with the shining moon empty.

Mitsi and Max left the still playing music box on the table near the painting and walked back, getting out from the room, smiling. Max made way for his wife to pass and he closed the door, locking it again.

“We will wait for you.”

“We will hope for you.”

“We will dream for you.”

“We will always love you.”


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