The heart of the girl and the shadow of the Dragon

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The Heart of the girl and the Shadow of the dragon.

 Western tower, Castle of Shadows


 Jack looked once again outside the small, bared window of the tower and cursed his luck. It had been three days since the attack on the Camp and there was still no sign of Roxanne.

“What the heck is that girl doing? Three days have passed!” and he kicked his chains.

“Calm down Jack, there is no use shouting now.”Hercules argued and held Meg closer to his chest.

“And what if she abandoned us? Perhaps she thought we are dead and left for Earth.”

“That’s something you would do! There is no way Roxanne deserting us here!” Peter and Aladdin shouted and Mickey got up.

“Calm down everyone! I don’t believe that Dragen would destroy us without tormenting Roxanne more.”

A humming suddenly was heard from the other side of their big prison; Snow White and Aurora were humming a melody and soon the rest of the girls joined this silent rhythm, expressing their hopes and fears.

Mickey looked from the caged window and prayed for both the safety of the Guardian and Roxanne’s.


Crypt of Evil

Roxanne and Hook checked the last of the bombs and closed the box. Hook asked her if there was anything else she needed and she nodded “no”. In three days they had managed to gather all the artillery they could find but also learn some bad news; the Fire had also reached the jungle and the savannah and Tarzan together with the lions had also disappeared.

Roxanne was hoping that Dragen hadn’t really destroyed them all; if he had, more destruction would befall upon the Lost Star. She gathered her thoughts and went to check Maleficent and Hades, who were preparing potions and checking the capacity of their wagons.

With their powers were able to summon moving wagons who would work as both carriages and fortresses. They had done an excellent work and Roxanne looked at them amazed.

“I believe they will hold.” Hades commented with pride and Maleficent moved her staff.

“Of course they will!” she hissed at him and looked at the girl.

She nodded in agreement and left their room, heading outside. She walked the narrow corridor and climbed the stone stairs, pushing the trap door above her head. Roxanne climbed outside and got out from the Crypt.

The night was quiet and the girl sat again on the ground, holding the necklace tightly. The last days she wasn’t using its powers at all but she still was lacking rest. She felt a poke and she saw Max appearing from her shadow.

“Do you fancy hiding in my shadow Max?”

“It’s comfy and the best place to hide if needed.” And he took the form of a parrot.

Roxanne smiled tiredly and leaned back to the rock. She was sitting to the same spot for three nights, trying to gather her power and search the insides of the Castle, using the enchanted powers of the Rose. Once more she held the Rose in her palms and started to whisper the spell Sapphire had taught her and the floating blue orb started to form.

“Now I must concentrate on them.” She said to herself and tried to picture her friends.

The orb shined and a dark dot appeared on its blue surface. Soon the dot became wider and wider, until a picture was formed. Max scowled with happiness and Roxanne signed with relief.

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