Chapter 7

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Justin has been avoiding me since Saturday, its now Tuesday and I was getting worried. Did I even do anything wrong? Since Saturday, he's been ignoring my texts and I knew it because he'd read them but not reply. I didn't want to seem too clingy so I just stopped texting him, if he didn't want to talk to me then fùck him.

"Alright, I'm tired of this silence. What's wrong with you?" Daniel asked, his eyes were on me now that we stopped at a red light. We were going for lunch, and this time I got to pick, well he didn't exactly let me choose. I kind of threatened to ruin his chance with every female he ever encountered if he didn't let me pick where we got lunch from today.

"Nothing," I lied, everything was wrong; Justin was ignoring me, cramps are literally killing me and I'm annoyed. Being ignored while on your period is the worst feeling ever, I want to curl up in a corner and cry but then again I want to go smash Justin's windows open. I'm so god damn confused."I'm completely fine."

"Mmm oh my god, stop fuckin' lying." this is the fourth time he's said this to me all day and its still funny enough to make me crack a small smile. "seriously, I know there's something wrong. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but just know I'll beat the fùck out of whoever did something to make you upset."

Beat Justin please

"Thanks danny," Daniel smiled at me and turned his attention back to the traffic that began to move again. I stared out the window at the passing figures as we drove in silence, the only thing that could be heard was the hum of the engine. Sighing inaudibly, I slid my hand into my right jean pocket to retrieve my phone.

I know, I'm being an idiot right now but I couldn't help but press Justin and I's messages that were exchanged. Well, it was mostly messages that were sent by me they all consisted of Justin hello? Or I know you're ignoring me.

So I decide to shoot him another text, and this will be the last one because I don't need to sit around and be sad. I've had a change of mindset, If he wants to ignore me then fùck him , I don't cry over boys.

To little bítch (1:34pm):

Look, I don't know what girl you think I am but you seriously got me fùcked up. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with you, first you start acting weird on saturday then You leave me on read every time I text you.. if you're cheating on me then you can just kiss me and your precious little car you have goodbye, best believe I will trash that bítch. I don't care if you are a cop, fuck you and your so called authority.

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