chapter 28

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(Unedited, if you see typos tell me but don't be an ass about it lmfaoooo )


I glare at the stupid pregnancy tests in front of me, they were all taunting me, all eight of them. Yes, Jade made me take eight and let me tell you; I don't think I can pee anymore, and that was 2 days ago. Of course all the tests came back negative, but I was still upset for some unknown reason.

Shouldn't I be happy I wasn't pregnant?

I wasn't happy, well a small part of me wasn't. The other half of me was dancing with her tongue out and a pack of prescribed birth control in her hand. The sadden half of me was crying in the corner, holding her flat stomach; god I'm a mess. Why would I want a baby at a young age? I just turned twenty-two months ago, and I can barely take care of myself, how would I take care of another human being?

A groan escapes my lips as I lift myself up and gather the tests from off of the bed, I was going to toss them in the trash. Firstly, I didn't plan on tell justin about my pregnancy scare because I wouldn't know how he would react. Secondly, I didn't know he had the right to know what's going on in my body. I get that he's my boyfriend but does he need to know every little thing?


I wasn't planning on telling him, the other day when I came to bring him lunch I almost slipped up. Almost. Instead, I told him about my father which actually made him panick; he thought I would leave him but I assure him that I wouldn't. But I can't help but think he doesn't believe me because, he texts me where are you? every two hours, like I would just up and leave. I have no reason to leave him, he's just paranoid.

I was in the kitchen when I heard the elevator doors open, glancing down at my watch with a frown on my face, Justin was home early? The tests that were once in my hand were now discarded in the trash bin, I rounded the corner to find Justin standing near the elevator with a scowl on his face and a bruise accompanying it. My eyes widen and I take steps toward him, "What the hell happened?" I ask panicking because the bruise was huge, did an animal attack him?

"Nothing Sequoia," he grumbled, he began to unbutton his uniform shirt which was torn. I fold my arms over my chest and look up at his still scowling face, he avoided looking into my eye. Justin started to move pass me but I held my arm out to stop him, "What?"

"Didn't you hear me? I want to know what happened to you."

Incoherent words flew out his mouth, he didn't want to tell me but I didn't care. I would find out, he knew I wouldn't stop until I did so fighting me would be extremely stupid of him. I give him a pointedly look, he then exhaled harshly and his face turned up in defiance; he was a grown pouting man.

"Ryan and I -" he starts off angrily, his fingers still unbuttoning and pulling at his shirt as if the fabric did anything to him. "We got sent home for fighting. " he finishes, the shirt was ripped off of his body with his own hands. My face was visible with confusion, who were they fighting? Were they fighting each other? "We are no longer allowed to be partners again by the way, please don't ask why and how it happened. I'm not sure if I should tell you that just yet."

I dropped my arm by my side and groaned, what the fùck did he mean he couldn't tell me? The fact that he wouldn't pissed me off, so instead of prying information from him I turned on my heel and headed towards the kitchen again. Ignoring the heavy footsteps following me, I sigh although I was internally brooding over the fact he wouldn't tell me a thing.

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