chapter 16

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I run my hands over my face as I listen to Jade on the other end of the phone, pleading for me to tell her what exactly was going on between Justin and I. I mean, she had a right to know, she's my bestfriend after all and I've always told her everything. Why stop now? "Sequoia of you don't tell me now, I swear I will kill your ass." Jade said almost too calm for my liking because whenever she was calm, you better be prepared for what's to come later; Calm before the storm . "I'm so serious right now. "

Another way you could tell she was fed up is when her accent got so thick you couldn't understand her much, that means she was close to exploding with a very colorful vocabulary in her native language. I've experienced it one too many times and I wasn't ready to hear it again, it was time to come clean to her.

"Okay if I tell you this, promise you won't flip out."


"I- uh no no no, you have to say it right." I scolded her, knowing her when she said promise only, she didn't mean it. I heard her groan loudly then let out a dramatic sigh, muttering words I couldn't understand.

"I, Jade Valentina Morales, promises not to freak out and be a judging bítch." Jade muttered like a child, I could tell she was rolling her eyes right now or looking at her nails like she gave no fùcks. "Now, tell me!"

I exhaled deeply as I racked up everything I was planning to say to her, it wasn't much either. All I have to say is I'm messing around with a married man. That's it, that's all but it seems so hard for me, no one even knows about Justin and I except for Ryan. It'll be hard for me to even say this, why didn't I tell her before I got too deep?

"Justin is, he's.... Married." I mumbled into the phone so low, I'm sure that Jade didn't hear it.


"He's married."

"Wait seq, I think my phone is messing up. It sounded like you said he's married." Jade laughed, that's exactly what I said I stayed silent and pulled myself off the couch, waiting for her to finally catch on to what I was saying. I was about to open my mouth but then there was a small gasp on the other end "No fùcking way! Justin is married?!"

There was a few more seconds of silence before I heard Jade yelling in Spanish, occasionally switching to English. I couldn't make out any words only the common curse words that you learn when you were younger, other than that I was ignorant to the whole language.

Yup, she's definitely keeping her promise.

"Jade, " I said lowly over her yelling, pulling the phone away from my ear for a moment then placing it back and she continued to shout. "Jade," I say a little louder this time but Jade wasn't stopping, god this girl never listened! "Jade!" I yelled into the phone, her rants quickly stopped because she knew I was serious. I never raised my voice but anyone who knew me, knows to shut up when I do.

"Sorry." she muttered into the phone childishly, the line went silent before she spoke up again. "How long have you've been hiding this from me?"

"Almost 2 months, Jade look I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't even know he was married until almost weeks after we officially got together."

"Wow." she said simply while I muttered a quiet yeah, I could tell she was disappointed in me and I hated that. "That's why you didn't do anything drastic to that blonde bítch? You two looked like the best fùcking friends, I was confused as hell. "

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