chapter 22

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After weeks of staying home, I could work now. Finally. I missed the line of duty, and I missed being able to the patrol the streets. I also missed ryan, its not that I haven't seen him; I have. He's been too caught up with Sequoia's friend, Jade. Apparently they get together occasionally , by get together I mean basically fùck. But I don't blame him, that's how Sequoia and I were at first. I don't regret it, I grinned to myself as I walk out the room and straight to the kitchen where Sequoia stood, her back turned to me.

She wore one of my t-shirts, as always , which was huge on her but I could still see the back of her thighs, as I walk closer I hear her speaking on the phone "No, no I won't ask him. " she hisses, I see her grab a green coffee mug and bring it up to her lips to take a small sip. "Jade, I'm not asking him to question Ryan. "


I made a noise from behind her which made her whip around with a startled look on his face. Once she realized it was only me, she visibly relaxed and shot me a look of hatred ; I almost chuckled at her angry glare. "What does Jade want?" I ask Sequoia softly, I stepped closer to her so I could be able to feel her; I needed to touch her.

Sequoia pulls the phone away from her ear, "She wants you to question Ryan, intensely. " she informs me before placing the phone back up to her ear, I laugh and pull Sequoia to my body. She smiles up at me and then her focus is back on the conversation, she and Jade both continuously exchange the curse word bítch. While I just dip my head down to the crook of Sequoia's neck and place soft kisses on her skin. "Jade honestly it's too early for you to be asking me about Ryan, let me get my coffee in my system first or I will take that 20 minute commute to beat your ass."

I chuckle against her skin, Sequoia always and I mean always needed her coffee. The second week I stayed with her, she cussed me out as soon as she woke up but I gave her twenty minutes to cool off and she was babying me yet again. At first I truly thought she was bipolar, I started to panick by the way, but I soon realized that all she needed was a cup of coffee and she was all set.

It was strange but I still loved her, even if she was unnecessarily angry in the morning.

I started to place kisses down her collar bone as she spoke, Sequoia was nearly shouting at first but with each kiss her voice lowered a few notches. She was calming down, and speaking more softly as my hands traveled up the shirt and start to rub on her hips. I hummed and pushed her shirt up over her head, with her help. Now she stood naked, the phone was still in her hand as I immediately take her nipple into my mouth.

She let's out a small whimper and from the other end , I could hear Jade ask where is Justin? I want to talk to him . Sequoia quickly replies back, bluntly "He's licking my nipples now, Jade. Leave him to it." and I have to pull away and laugh, what was happening? Sequoia was turning into a even fiercer woman, she was more blunt and open; I was loving it. "Jade, I don't care if I haven't told you about our sex stories." she reaches up and cups the back of my head, pulling my head down to her puckered nipples; sighing as soon as my lips were back on the sensitive flesh. "No I'm not gonna facetime you so you can watch! Crazy ass."

With that, she hung up and tossed her phone on the counter while I cupped her other breast in my hand kneeding her soft skin. Sequoia groans and laces her fingers through my hair, I grab her wrists and pull them away from my hair. I lift my face up and grin at her "I have work in," I trail off, looking at my wrist watch it was 10:00am " thirty minutes you think I can get a taste before then?" I ask as I bring her hands up to my face and kiss her knuckles.

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