chapter 18

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I groan as I look at the damage done to my car, it will cost me money I barely have to get it fixed. Now, I was furious, The note was nothing, the damage was even worse. Folding the paper up and stuffing it in my pocket, I decide to pay Penelope a visit. I figure she's still at the hospital with Justin which makes it easier for me.

The drive to the hospital happened to be quiet uncomfortable since I was receiving an ample amount of wind coming through my back window, it seemed like a long trip but in reality it only took a few minutes. I pulled up to the hospital in which I received a few stares at my busted back window, ignoring them I stomped into the automatic doors. Visting hours weren't over yet so I was able to go straight up to the third floor, I cursed at the walk down to the end of the hallway; these heels are killing me but they were gorgeous.

As I knocked on the door , I reached in my pockets and fished out the note. I looked up as the door swung open, Penelope looked surprised at my sudden arrival but I didn't care. Pushing pass her, I angrily held up the note in Justin's face who looked surprised also. "She knows, look."

Justin looked stunned and snatched the note out of my hand, I folded my arms over my chest and glared at Penelope who looked "confused". "What's going on?" Penelope asked, standing closer to Justin as she tried to look at the paper. "what happened?"

I scoffed and shook my head, she knew what was going on. I'm tired of that clueless façade of hers, "you happened," I hissed, Penelope looked stunned as her big blue eyes widened. " your crazy ass threw a brick at my car because you found you that I'm -"

Fùcking your man

"Sequoia!" Justin snapped at me angrily, I shot him a dirty glare and he returned it. "She couldn't have did it, she was here the whole time."

"What do I know, what happened?" Penelope pleaded to know, I pursed my lips together before turning to her completely readying to tell the whole truth.

"Your husband here has been sneaking around with me for the last few months," I told her truthfully, I was tired of this life and once I told her it felt like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulder. Justin hissed and threw his head back, Penelope didn't look surprised at all, she looked more in pain than anything but their was also a physcotic glint in her eyes.

Penelope sighed before dropping her shoulders, I almost felt bad for telling her like that but the fact that she caused damage to my car was overpowering my sympathy for her. "I knew that, I've known since the dinner party and I kinda walked in on you two the other day." she admitted, playing with her hands. But she suddenly looked up at me with anger in her eyes, she actually looked crazy. "I'm pissed it took you two so long to admit it. I'm not stupid now and I am not gonna take this shít lightly!"

"Pen, I'm sorry but you knew it was coming" Justin finally said, wincing as he sat up in the bed. He was still in pain, my baby. "This marriage has to come to an end now, I can't keep living like this. I'm happy with Sequoia. " he told her, but that's where he fùcked up. Penelope started to grab her hair and pull it, mumbling words under her breath.

"I'm sorry for telling you like that too, I -" I was cut off by Penelope's piercing scream as she clawed at her hair, she started to yell no over and over, each time was louder. I furrowed my eyebrows and moved closer to the door, just in case she decided to take her anger out on me.

She started to cry loudly, causing her mascara to run down and stain her cheeks black. "I'm supposed to make you happy!" penelope whined, pulling at her hair some more repeatedly saying me. God, she's crazy right now, I see why Justin was sort of afraid of telling her. Justin shook his head but he still looked at her with wide worried eyes. I looked down and saw that he had the remote to call a nurse in his hand , just in case. "Me! I was, I've been dreaming about our marriage since I was 16! Why her?"

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