Chapter 24

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Alright god, I never really talk to you half the time but here I go; I'm sorry for all my wrong doing especially the biggest one of all, cheating on my final exams in college.

I didn't mean it, I just wanted to get ahead in life man.

You know, get a nice house with my degree? A decent job?

Anyway, I'm sorry for everything. Amen .

Feeling Sequoia's small hand grip mine, I look down at her shocked expression; she was really shaken up right now. I didn't want her yo have to sit through this but we had no choice, her mother was approaching us with a bright smile. "Sequoia, ma Cheri. " then she started to talk to her daughter briefly in a different language, which Sequoia didn't respond.

Camellia then pulled me into a quick hug in which I returned immediately, I looked at the other unwanted guests and noticed that fota and Penelope were glaring at Sequoia, and well Daniel was doing the same to me. Fùcking punk.

"Sequoia and Justin, I want you to meet my girlfriend Fota Cruz. " Brandon said, gesturing towards fota who plastered a tight smile on her face. "Fota this is my neice Sequoia and her boyfriend Justin."

"Brandon honey, we already know each other quiet well." Fota explains, while patting Brandon on the arm. "Sequoia here is one of my best employees. " she beams, Sequoia raises an eyebrow at her skeptically.

"Oh well isn't that nice, Justin and Sequoia you two can have a seat now."

I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her around to two chairs that were seated directly next to Penelope and Daniel, could this night get any worse? I wanted to take the chair I was pulling out for Sequoia and hit myself with it, I know I'm being overdramatic but I just didn't want to deal with these people tonight.

"We ordered for you two already, I hope you don't mind." Camellia explains, and I surprisingly didn't have enough energy to be angry about it.

"Its fine mama." Sequoia says , finally speaking up after being silent for a few moments but her voice was different; forced even. Like she wanted to make it look like she was happy, but I knew better because I know Sequoia better than she knows herself sometimes. Sequoia crossed her legs and avoided eye contact with her mother, probably fearing the she would see right through the act she was putting up.

"Oh must of forgot about these two, justin you know my sister Penelope and her friend Daniel." fota says smiling widely at us from across the table. "Daniel is also Sequoia's coworker, they're so close. I mistaken them as a couple sometimes. " fota explains to everyone, she was trying to make them seem like they were together. Did she think I was stupid? I know Sequoia is my girl, he can only dream of it.

I place a hand on top of Sequoia's thigh and squeeze it reassuringly, "Yes, I know those two. No need to introduce us. Nice to see you again Daniel, same to you Penelope. " I speak up , looking them directly in the eye. I wasn't intimidated by them, the hell did they think they were going to do?

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