chapter 1

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Me being the unorganized, procrastinating 22 year old I am, I was certainly late for work,again. I work up this morning at 8, seems like a great time to wake up right? Nope, I have to be at work at 8:30. That left little time for me to flat iron and tame my mess of a hair , do my little makeup or curl my eyelashes, so here I am , rushing through the traffic of Miami.

Well, not exactly rushing since traffic was a super bítch that had just came on her period this morning.

I drummed on the steering wheel as I sat in stand still traffic on the freeway, THE FÙCKING FREEWAY PEOPLE. Growing frustrated, I checked the time on my phone it was already 8:25. I hissed and mumbled shit under my breath because of how tardy I was gonna be. On some days I was only a minute or two late, but today I was gonna be at least 20 minutes late.

Fùck my life and my career.

Technically, I didn't have a career yet. I always wanted to be in front of a camera instead of behind it, because I know in my heart that I'm a fine as bitch.

I'm kidding.

But photography is sort of my passion just not what I was looking for as a life time job, ya know? One I can retire from and be satisfied with.

To pass by time, I popped in the aux cord into my iPhone and scrolled to 'my hype music' playlist . I basically have playlists for everything, including an entire collection of mindless behavior music.

Don't judge, I was obsessed with them when I was younger. I don't know if I still have their CDs but they're probably somewhere back at my parents house.

Anyways, I turned up the volume once I heard the beginning of 'dmx ruff riders anthem.' This song will forever hype me the fùck up.

"Oh shít," I said dancing my seat and whipping my long dark hair. It was a matter of time before I started shouting the lyrics "STOP, DROP , SHUT EM DOWN OPEN UP SHOP, OH , NO , THAT'S HOW RUFF RIDERS ROLL" I was close to jumping out my car and dancing in the middle of traffic but I decided to keep my little show within my little black Toyota. I didn't need to be turned into a 6 second vine.

I turned my head to the side and noticed an older woman in the car to my left looked at me as if I were crazy. Its okay honey, you don't know how to turn up, you too old boo .In the car to my right, a younger dude was turning up with me. See, that's my type of person.


20 more minutes passed, I had finally gotten out of traffic and into the parking lot of phota's photography. Such a creative name right? The owner's name is fota, and let me tell you, she's a bítch. I remember I started out as just her personal assistant and it was horrible.

She made me do coffee runs and if she didn't like what I gave her should make me take it back. Honestly, during those 7 months I want to literally shoot myself but I'm glad I got a promoted to a photographer a month ago. I couldn't deal with staying in the office all day, its nerve wrecking.

Once I walked in, I tried to sneak passed her office as quietly as possible . I held my black purse and my camera close to my body as I walked pass with my head down.

Please don't look up please don't look up I silently prayed in my mind.

"Sequoia ! You're late, come in here." she called me back.

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