chapter 20

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Of course!

I should've known some off the wall situation would come about, but this one involves the last person I'd even think about. Daniel. I thought he didn't know Penelope, how the hell does he know her? God, I hated feeling like this, I just wanted to cry or either punch something.

I'll take punch something for 500, Alex.

The worst part about it was Penelope thinks she has the upper hand in this, but I have your ex husband though! She's over there looking like she's won the lottery or something, I could just jump across this table. And daniel, he looks actually terrified or apologetic. Maybe he didn't kn-

"Doll, come on. We're done here for now." Justin informs me, I say nothing and take his outstretched hand in mine. Noticing Penelope's obvious glare on us, I smile mockingly in her direction before standing up next to Justin. "We'll see you in a few weeks Christopher, hopefully we'll get through this quickly." Justin says as he shakes his lawyer hand.

"I assure you it will, you two don't have much that should be argued over. Do you agree Ms. Cruz?" Christopher asks Penelope, she looks taken aback because he uses her surname instead of Mrs. Bieber.

"Y-yes, " Penelope stutters but quickly clears her throat and plasters a fake smile on her lips. "I hope this process will be over with by then. " she forced out, and I suddenly felt a pang in my chest, like guilt. I'm not sure what it was but I felt bad for Penelope now. Even if she did try to hurt me before, I feel like emotional damage is the worst kind of damage. And seeing someone you love prance off with someone else is very damaging.

Well, the damage is done now.

I couldn't do anything about it. Justin loves me already and I .....I love him too, we're both in too deep to pull out.

Justin tugged me by my hand towards the door, not saying a word, I followed behind him closely. Once again I found myself struggling to keep up with his pace as he walks down the hall. "Justin slow down," I mutter , he slows down and sends me an apologetic look that instantly made me smile.

"I apologize doll, I just wanted to get out of there. " I nodded in understanding as we walked down to the elevator, it was open so we stepped in. Already in the elevator were two women who looked at least 35, I gave them a small smile as I stood next to Justin.

They start to eye Justin as we rode quietly in the elevator, I rose an eyebrow at them and looked up at Justin ; he was oblivious to it all or he was just straight up ignored them. One of the woman brushed up against his arm as the elevator doors opened and another person stepped on. "Hello," she bodly spoke up to Justin, he looked down at her and nodded her way. "I'm sabrina and this is Tyra." she introduces herself with a hint of flirtiness in her voice, but again justin didn't react.

"We were wondering-" the other one started to speak, she was a tall woman I honestly had to look up at her and I had on heels. She stares at Justin who looked at her with not a trace of amusement on his face. "You wanna go get some drinks with us? I'm sure we could all use a few shots."

Are you kidding me? I'm right here!

"I'm sorry but my girlfriend would not approve. I don't wanna make my angel upset ladies. " I was pulled into Justin's chest, good boy. I look up at him, ignoring the looks of distaste on their faces; he placed a chaste kiss on my lips and grinned down at me stupidly. The door open on our floor, I nearly whine as I leave his embrace and that worried me, Sort of. Justin nodded at the women, takes my hand, and pulls me out of the elevator.

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