Chapter 11

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I was frozen, stuck in my position because fear took over my body. She could catch us, we could be caught within the next few moments if I didn't move my ass. It wasn't until I felt Sequoia's small hand push my chest to get my attention. I quickly pulled out of her and pulled up my boxers, I russeled with my pants as I frantically scurried to make myself decent.

"I thought you said we had time!" Sequoia hissed quietly while pulling down her dress, Penelope had now gone into the next room calling my name so we had time to spare before she checked in here.

"we fùcking did but Ryan probably couldn't hold her off." I muttered quickly, Ryan was extremely drunk when I told him to stall Penelope whenever she asked for me. You can't depend on drunk ryan for shít, hell you can't even depend on sober Ryan for anything either he's a god damn idiot. I shook my head and watched as Sequoia continue to pull at her dress and fix her hair, even while doing that she looked cute. Cute.

"Justin? Are you in here?" Sequoia and I heard Penelope's voice call again which sounded like it was growing closer to us. Sequoia's eyes widened and she looked to me for guidance, my eyes scanned the large room before landing on the walk in closet.

"Get in, " I rushed her pushing Sequoia towards the closet, and just as I was doing so the door knob to the room twisted vigorously. "shit," I hissed then gave Sequoia a small push , closing the door before she could say anything, just then the other one opened and Penelope appeared. "Hey baby," I breathed out, leaning against the closet door while fixing the collar of my shirt discreetly.

"I was looking for you," she smiled looking around the room, I don't know what she was looking for but I'd like her to stop immediately. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

Fùcking your friend

" I was just uh, getting away from all the people down stairs." I lied easily as my back stayed pressed against the closet door, Penelope looked at me weirdly before stepping further into the room with me. "You know how I don't like being around a lot of people for too long."

Penelope nodded and walked around the room as I f she were looking for something in particular. I wanted nothing more than for her to leave out so I can at least make Sequoia come, its only fair to her. "Were you really?" I hummed then pushed myself off of the door, walking over to her as she stood in the middle of the room.

"You know how much I hate large groups of people baby," I said, playing the affectionate husband role towards her; I firmly gripped on to her hips as she stood a few inches below me. Penelope smiled at the fact that I was touching her, I never touched her for longer than 30 seconds so I could tell that she was very excited.

"Awe I'm so sorry, don't worry babe it'll be over in no time." she tried to comfort me, and it took everything in me not to push her off of me. I really don't like this woman , sometimes she's bearable but other times I want to set myself on fire if I'm around her for too long. "Maybe, I could make you feel better?" she suggested while biting her lip, I furrowed my eyebrows and instinctively took a small step backwards.

"what are you talking about?"

"you know ," she drawled out , placing her finger on my chest and dragging it down slowly. "we can do something we haven't done in a while." is she trying to seduce me? Oh fùck no, there's no way I'll have sex with her again. Our old sex life was so vanilla, it was full of her laying back while I did the work all while she moaned I love yous to me annoyingly. With Sequoia its different, we are kinky as fùck and we will do it almost anywhere; hence the fact that she's hiding in a closet.

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