chapter 8

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"And while you were at work, or wherever you were, my friends were keeping me entertained. " Penelope droned on about yesterday's barbeque, it was annoying but all I did was mutter small mhm every now and then. I wasn't playing much attention, only focusing on the newspaper on the oak wood table in front of me the headline was something about the upcoming election and how Trump was the most popular candidate. "It was nice, and my friend the one I told you about. Sequoia? She came by."

Once she said Sequoia's name, my attention was on her. I haven't properly spoken to Sequoia since yesterday and I kept texting her to see how it went even though her replies were only one worded goods , fines or okays. And that definitely wasn't her, Sequoia is the type to send you a whole essay in MLA format just on how her day was, so the simple replies are very suspicious.

"Yeah, I remember. What about her?" I asked skeptically, sitting my half empty coffee mug on the table. Penelope stood from her seat and took her now clear plate into the kitchen, I watched her intensely because I wanted to know if she knew anything about Sequoia and I.

"She's interesting, her mouth is something else. She actually talked back to Kathy, no one does that." penelope said in a surprised tone, of course Sequoia would come here and talk shit to these snobby ass girls penelope calls her friends. "but the thing is she asked where the bathroom was and she never returned. "

Oh? She told me it went well though.

"Maybe she wasn't feeling well and went home." I shrugged, she probably just wasn't feeling them and decided to leave. Sequoia isn't the biggest people person, I would leave too if I was around those nosey ass women. I doubt there was anything seriously wrong with my doll, even if there is I'll see later on because I'm stopping by her condo later on today.

"You're probably right but it's kinda rude to leave without telling anyone." Penelope turned to face me with a frown on her lips, she looked upset at the fact Sequoia left. "She wasn't even here a whole 15 minutes, I wanted to give her a tour of the house too."

I'm glad you didn't , I don't want her to see anything that she isn't supposed to see.

But, Maybe there was something wrong with her, I pulled out my phone and decided to step outside to make a call to Sequoia, if she didn't pick up I'll definitely have to stop by.

"hello." a deep voice answered, my face instantly scrunched up and I pulled my phone away from my ear to make sure I clicked Sequoia's contact name instead or Ryan's or Ethan's. Does she have another dude over her house? Why the fück is he answering her phone?

"who the hell is this? And where's Sequoia?" I asked angrily, she isn't supposed to be having male company. I'm her boyfriend and I'm the only one who should be answering her phone like this.

I heard a few snickers followed by whispering on the other side, I couldn't hear anything that was said but I did catch a female voice saying something along the lines of stop playing around. "she isn't available right now." The voice finally said with a breathless chuckle at the end. "she's very busy now."

"bullshit," I spat, holding my phone between my shoulder as I dug into my gray sweats for the keys to my car. "What do you mean she's busy?" I retrieved my keys and jiggled them in my hand, I was surely going to stop by early if this unknown dude wouldn't give me the answers I wanted to hear.

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