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"Why not man!?" Mike asked frustrated. 

"I've told you, man!" I said, taking milk from the fridge. "I don't want to date anyone! No girl wants to go with a boy with a kid." I explained. "I'll only be turned down and the i'll be sad, and Lani does not need me to be sad. Therefore I cannot date!"

Mike sat on the counter beside me.

"You confuse me!" Mike laughed.

"Oh?" I inquired and took a sip of milk. 

"You say you want to be happy for the benefit of Lani, yet your obviously lonely and sad without a girl."

I rolled my eyes as I put the jug back into the fridge.

"At least meet with her." Mike begged as he followed me to the patio.

"And what good would meeting your cousin do?" I asked.

"Mick you need a night to yourself. You haven't had any time out since Lani came inot the picture. I've told her all about you and she really wants to meet you man! You've got nothing to lose." Mike reasoned. 

"Is she really okay with me?" Anervous feeling arose in my stomach. 

"So are you interested?" Mike asked.

"Maybe." I took a drink to hide my smile.

"Oh, ho!" Mike chuckled. "I can see that smile, Mick!" You, man! You're interested!" Mike teased. 

I smiled widely and pushed Mike to the side.

"So what? I may be a...little...interested." I danced around the topic.

"I knew it!" Mike cheered.

"But I won't go until I see a picture of her." I negotiated. 

Mike smiled and took out his wallet. He unfolded the photos and searched for the girl.

"Here." Mike pointed to a picture of a girl in a flower garden. The girl was pretty with shoulder leanth brown hair and bangs. She wasn't skinny or overwieght. I couldn't wait to meet her, but I didn't want Mike to know. 

"She's not bad." I took another sip. "What's her name?"

"Anna." Mike informed me as he foldedhis wallet back up. "She's twenty years old, and she only lives an hour away."

"Thanks for the information." I chuckled. "I didn't even say i'd go out with her. I just want to meet her for now." I lied.

"Sure babe." Mike winked as he hit my shoulder and walked into the house.

I turned around and leaned on the patio railing. 

Maybe Mike was right. It had been four years since the gang and I saved my then six year old daughterLani from an evil man named Doris. 

Mike was already married, and since then Peter and Davy had had at least one girlfriend. Infact Davy and his new girlfriend, Chelsea, were going steady. Peter and his current girlfriend, Chloe, were destined to get married. 

Maybe I was jealous of the attention they were getting from the girls. They had found love. I was the odd one out. I had tried early on to go out with a girl. I really thought we had something. That is until I told her about Lani. The girl hadn't understood the situation, and she cut me off completely. She wouldn't return my calls or anything I was heart broken. 

Lani knew I was sad. It wasn't as if I hid it from her. But she hated it. She was sad because I was sad. I couldn't allow that to happen again Lani deserves only happiness. 

So I made myself promise that I'd never let myself get so torn up over a girl ever again.

But Anna...

She was beautiful! How could I say no to meeting her? Plus, Mike was right. I was put down by being alone. I just hoped he was right about his cousin.

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