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[Made some changes to last chapter. The "Love letter" Is not a love letter. It's a threat.]

Anna sat me down the next morning and tried to explain everything to me. 

"The handwriting is the same." She extended a different letter than i'd seen in her drawer and the note I'd found on my door frame, out to me. I took them and sure enough, they matched. 

"Okay..." I said satisfied.

"I know this guy. I used to date him. I know what he's like. He's jealous of you because I left him for you. If I can talk to him I bet I can get him to change his mind and let your family go. Here, read this letter he wrote me a couple weeks ago." Anna stood up and walked to the wicker drawer. She took out the letter I'd seen the day before from the top drawer. She dropped it in front of me. 

I took it in hand and read it out loud. 

"Dear Anna,

I'd rather see you dead than to be with another man.

You better keep your head little girl, 
Or you won't know where I am.

You better run for your life if you can.
Hide your head in the sand little girl.
Catch ya with another man,

That's the end, little girl.


Your Lover."

I read with a slight disgust. "So this was a real letter?" I asked.

Anna nodded and squirmed in chair. SHe looked scared. I would be too if that letter was addressed to me. 

"Alright." I nodded. "Then why are we still here?" I asked at the end of my rope. "We need to get the police and get these men off the streets." 

"No, the police cannot be called. If the police show up at the warehouse, I'm sure he'll kill Lani. We're still here because I needed to figure out what I am going to say. " Anna said uncomfortably. 

"What? You already know. Tell him that you're done with him and to give my family back, but, you know, in a way that won't make him angry." I sassed.

"It's not that easy Micky."  Anna sighed. 

"How so?" I asked. 

Anna thought for a moment. "Well for starters, "Eddy's" not that simple." 

I dropped the subject for a second by asking why she always put air quotations around his name.

"Because Eddy isn't his real name." She said dismissively.

"What is his name then?" I asked.

"That's not important." Anna said hurriedly. She looked uncomfortable so I dropped the subject and picked the previous one back up. 

"Anna I know you think he wont do anything to them until I'm there with them but I won't rest util their safe. I need to get them back home as soon as possible." I told her patiently. 

"I know." She whispered with tears in her eyes. Anna reached over the table and took my hand in hers. "I just don't know what to say to him that won't make him flip out. I just need one more night to prepare. If I mess this up, the result could be catastrophic."

I smiled weakly and nodded. 

"If you think it's that important that we wait, then we'll wait." I assured her. "But the minute you know what to say, we need to be out of that door." 

Anna nodded her consent. "Of course! I have family under his watch as well. I want them out and safe as soon as possible too." 

"Good." I whispered before standing, kissing Anna's forehead, and then walking out the door. I needed to take a walk and sort my thoughts. I made my way, slowly, to the boardwalk. 

So the information thus far dumped on me was this:

Anna had dated a guy. 

This guy now goes by the alias, Eddy. 

He had henchmen. 

This Eddy and his henchmen were jealous of me. 

So they kidnapped my family. 

My entire family!

They wanted me to find them. 

And finally, Anna was terrified of what this man would do. 

What a confusing situation to be in! 

My mind wandered back to the threatening letter Anna had received from this creep. He said he'd rather see her dead! What kind of psycho says that to a girl he wants to stay with? As I thought about it even more it dawned upon me that we might not be safe. If he'd rather see her dead than see her with another man and I was with her, then he could be crazy enough to kill us. 

I decided to turn around and go back to Anna. I had a bad feeling that maybe we wouldn't be safe. I quickened my pace as I walked back to Anna's house. By the time I could see her house I was running. I bolted through the door like a maniac and shouted her name. 

"Anna! Are you okay!?" I called through the house. 

I ran into the kitchen with fear blossoming within the pit of my stomach. She wasn't there. I ran through the rooms of the house yelling her name. It reminded me of the night when I came home and my family was gone. 

After searching the whole house I knew she'd been abducted. It was confirmed by a second note I found tacked to the door frame. I wasn't confused or befuddled as to what I needed to do. I ran out the door before locking it and jumped into Anna's car. I still had her keys from the night before. I raced back to L.A. and to the warehouse where I presumed they had taken her. I was too scared to think clearly and if these words I am saying seem rushed and unclear, i'm sorry. That is all I remember. Adrenaline seems to have that effect on me. 

I do remember pulling up to the warehouse and banging loudly on the door. 

"Let me in! I'm here! Let me in!"I yelled as I beat mercilessly on the metal door. 

I beat until my knuckles were bleeding and numb. I eventually gave up and leaned on the door to support me as I cried. 

"Please...please let me in." I begged in a whisper. Just then the door flew inwards and I was caught by two pairs of gloved hands. They drug me inside and I was too exhausted to fight. They drug me in the dark to a cage and chained me to a wall. 


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