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I heard their breathing before I saw them. But when I found the strength to open my eyes a nightmare of mine had come true. I as chained to the left wall of a huge cage. My family chained to the back wall.

"Micky!" Mike yelled.

"Guys!" I pulled weakly on the chains.

"Don't struggle." Davy sighed. "It's no use." He flashed me his bleeding wrist to show that his words were final.

I counted them and took inventory. Peter, Mike, Chelsea, David, Christian, Phyllis, and Marshie. So far everyone. But the line of my loved ones ended there. Panic caused a flood of adrenaline into my veins. It gave me a strength I hadn't had before.

I pulled on my chains abruptly which caused the women to jump in fright.

"Where are Anna and Lani?" I asked.

"Anna?" Mike asked.

"They brought her here didn't they?" I asked.

"No." Peter said in a whisper beside me.

"Did they take her?" Phyllis asked in horror.

"They left a note on her door saying that they had." I said.

"We haven't seen her." Chelsea spoke.

"Well what about Lani?" I asked in a hurry.

"We don't know." Mike said dejected.

"Ginger said she was alright but we haven't seen her." David elaborated.

"Ginger?" I inquired.

"Yeah, one of the kidnappers. Though I wouldn't trust him, he's always saying things. The others think he's gone mad." Davy continued.

"Wait, the others?" I said still confused.

"Micky there were four kidnappers and Ding-Dong—he's sort of obsessed with himself and Ginger—he's crazy. They guard us. Eddy—he's the head man, the leader, good at punching and kicking. He comes by and taunts us ever so often. And then there's Charlie, we aren't too sure what purpose he serves. He mainly stands in the corner talking to himself." Mike said.

"We've been watching them." Peter said with a sly smile.

"Trying to find their weaknesses. But now that I've been here a couple days I can't even believe that we were outsmarted by these guys. If I wasn't chained to this wall Me, Davy and Peter could definitely take them down."

You're forgetting one thing." Peter chuckled.

"What's that?"

"We're too chicken to fight." He frowned.

"Shoot! I forgot!" Mike whispered harshly.

"Hey! Eddy!" I screamed to the group of guards playing cards right outside of the cage. All three raised their masked faces at us and walked slowly over.

"Did you ask for me?" The voice that had belonged to Eddy now had a body. I awaited the face. The voice was familiar and I knew if the mask was removed I'd know just who it belonged to.

"Yes! What have you done with daughter and Anna?"

"They're safe." He assured me. "Don't worry. We haven't hurt them. In fact you'll get to see them tonight." I sounded as if Eddy was smiling underneath his wool mask. It was a creepy image that popped into my brain.

"I need to know they are okay. Show them to me." I commanded.

Eddy laughed. "I can't, they aren't here."

"Not here? What do you mean?"

Eddy didn't answer. "You ask a lot of questions."

I pulled on my chains. "Where are they?!" I screamed.

"Cool it, man!" Mike yelled.

"Mike?" I asked, feeling betrayed.

"You can't make them, you're chained to a wall. He said you'd see them tonight, just hold up." Mike reasoned with me.

I chewed on his words before turning back to our kidnappers.

"If they are dead, I swear you will join them!" I threatened.

The kidnappers just laughed at me and walked off to continue their card game.

It infuriated me for them to be so snarky! I was grateful for the chains. They put restrictions on the monster inside of me.

At eight o'clock on the dot the ones they call Ginger and Ding—Dong came to get me from the cage. They were surprisingly strong considering their skinny bodies.

They blindfolded me before undoing the chains, then lead me out of the warehouse and into the back of a van. Even in the moving van the boys held tightly to my arms.

"Are you excited?" Eddy said from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, sure." I entertained him. The truth was that I was frightened out of my senses, but I wasn't about to let them know that.

"Hey Pa—I mean—Ding Dong." Ginger said to my right.

"Yeah, Gin?" Ding—Dong said from my left.

"You think these masks will make Arthur mad? You know, because he can't see the sun like."

"No, But it's frustrating me." Ding—Dong and Ginger were speaking in whispers but my hearing had become uncanny.

"Can you just imagine how terrible me hair is gonna look after this is all over."

"Hush up, Ding—Dong!" Eddy scolded. "You'll get over it."

"Yeah? Well what about Brian? He's gonna flip."

They conversed and fussed pettily between themselves the whole ride. I tried to tell where they were going but I had completely lost my bearings.

When we arrived, Eddy slammed to a stop and jumped out of the car. Ginger and Ding--Dong still had a hold of me when they tried to exit the vehicle from two opposite sides of the van. I yelped in pain as my body was tugged to ways with equal force.

"Whoops." Ginger said and conformed to the way Ding--Dong was pulling. Once out of the car they lead me into another building and down a long hallway.

"Good morning!" Ding—Dong chimed as he took my blindfold away.

I was standing in a large room with nothing around me. Eddy stood directly in front of me, Ding—Dong and Ginger were like guards on both sides of me.

"Welcome!" Eddy said with an implied smile.

"Whatever, just get on with it!" I spat.

"Okay, okay." Eddy calmed me. "Ginger go get the girl."

Those words held some sort of meaning that made me fearful. I began to panic and scream after Ginger. I told him that if he laid a hand on my daughter I was going to kill him. Eddy and Ding—Dong did their best to keep me from mauling their friend.

THE END IS NEAR!! :O I kind of don't want it to end...

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